brief introduction

Rat Rods Rule

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New member
Aug 11, 2009

I'm Jami. I'm a college student who enjoys reading, surfing the web and listening to music. I really like this site and decided to join in on the discussions here in the forums. The reason I am here is that my grampa recently passed away :( but I inherited his rat rod. I thought it would be nice to introduce myself in case I had any questions to ask about it.

Other than that, I work as an entry level graphics designer and I create websites in my spare time. I thought I would share my most recent website, because its a hobby of mine so why not. They are usually written on random subjects that come to mind, but this one was written about Ninja Swords (mostly written by my brother) for my brother because he is having a phase with them right now. Here it is: My Sword Blog

Hopefully you guys can answer all my rat rod questions/needs :)

See ya around,

Breif intro

Jamie sorry to here about your grand father. I Lnow you will enjoy his car, We all would like to see some pics of and what you might have planned for it.

Welcome to the best R R R

52 fordman

Rust never sleeps
Welcome to RRR, Jami. Sad to hear about your gramps but, I'm sure he left his rod to you knowing you'll take good care of it. Now you just have to post pics of this family heirloom.:D
Welcome Jami if you know what you're Grandpa had in mind for the RR you should write that down. You will wish you had later, it'll be something very special to you later even if it may not be now. Good Luck
Welcome to the site Jami. Sorry to hear about your loss. Looking forward to seeing pics of the rod he left you. The sword blog is pretty interesting too, nice job

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