Ebay fees

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
May 11, 2007
fort myers florida
I've mentioned before that I feel Ebay fees are getting out of hand. A few weeks ago I sold a couple of bomber seats that I am not going to be using on Ebay and they closed at $ 300, which was a little low (paid $ 600 and they had only been used for mockup), but I was ok with the $ 300.

When I got the final Ebay fees, here is what they charged me:

Ebay final value fees..................$ 34.95

Paypal Fees..............................$ 13.76

Total.......................................$ 48.71 :eek:

In addition, I underestimated the shipping by $ 20, so I ate that, but that was my fault, not theirs. I know some people will say that at least I sold them, etc, etc., and I have been buying and selling on Ebay for years but have NEVER seen their rates this high. They used to be pretty reasonable, even when I sold some $ 1000 or more item they didn't charge this much.

The worst part is, the guy paid by E CHECK, something I never heard of, and it took two weeks for Paypal to clear that before they released the money. As much as I hate dealing with some people and hassles of Craigslist, looks like I will be using them more and more and Ebay less and less. :mad:

I've mentioned before that I feel Ebay fees are getting out of hand. A few weeks ago I sold a couple of bomber seats that I am not going to be using on Ebay and they closed at $ 300, which was a little low (paid $ 600 and they had only been used for mockup), but I was ok with the $ 300.

When I got the final Ebay fees, here is what they charged me:

Ebay final value fees..................$ 34.95

Paypal Fees..............................$ 13.76

Total.......................................$ 48.71 :eek:

In addition, I underestimated the shipping by $ 20, so I ate that, but that was my fault, not theirs. I know some people will say that at least I sold them, etc, etc., and I have been buying and selling on Ebay for years but have NEVER seen their rates this high. They used to be pretty reasonable, even when I sold some $ 1000 or more item they didn't charge this much.

The worst part is, the guy paid by E CHECK, something I never heard of, and it took two weeks for Paypal to clear that before they released the money. As much as I hate dealing with some people and hassles of Craigslist, looks like I will be using them more and more and Ebay less and less. :mad:


iam with ya! there a special place in that bad place for ebay!!!! lol j/k:D
I sell alot on CL but beware the scams. I have had a dozen or so scams on my CL account. Probly the biggest one is you get a email saying something is wrong with your account, log in now to fix it. I did this once and next thing I know someone got my account info and messed with my account. I had to change everything and now when I log on to my account I will only log on thru the CL page.

But all in all I have had good luck selling on CL. I have sold stuff and shipped it out (money first) no problems.
eBay is horrible anymore they don't enforce the rules that they should so people get away with selling garbage and the fees have gotten ridiculous I pretty much stick to CL and I got the square program for my phone so I can accept credit cards I was surprised how much sales became easier by advertising that I take visa.
We sell a lot on Ebay, our fees can run as high as $600 a month. I am getting tired of all the BS now. Ship within 24 hours. Hell I got to make some of this stuff, thats Ok, then you don't get a 5% discount then at the end of the month. They also charge you a fee for the shipping now! Just a way to gouge their customers. I told them they are all about protecting the buyer, but the seller is the one paying their salary. They better wake up.

Craigslist takes way too much time to advertise on there. It is gone in a day or so and you have to relist it.
I wondered about how you make out on there, Ron, because I see a lot of your ads and know you use Ebay a lot.

Craigslist is no panacea either. Lots of BS and no shows. I have Dan's VW project listed on CL for him and got a call yesterday, "Would you hold it for me I will call you at 11 tomorrow to set up a time to come see it?" He hasn't called yet and it is 4:00 PM. So another guy called and came and they like it but don't have a spot to store it yet, so that one is pending. Then a 3rd guy called and wants to start trading stuff. :(

At least Ebay is fairly clean, you never have to deal with the person, you ship it off to a faraway land, and you get paid. I just don't like the huge bite they are taking and also that they have a monopoly going with having to use Paypal or else. :mad: Wish there was a competitor.

I look all over eBay and wasn't having any luck finding front end parts. Then I came across a thread on here that directed me towards RPM and now I plan on calling and picking your brain and hopefully getting my frnt setup from you.

I understand where you are coming from on the Craigslist trade issues I am trying to sell 4 wheelers right now and people are ridiculous with what they want to trade.

One girl told me a laptop 500 bucks and whatever else I might want from her. LOLo
A guy wanted to trade me a Jeff Gordan NASCAR jacket, a train set & some baseball cards for my Harley:mad: I kid you not

Another downside of CL is people know where you live or your stuff is, I just found out a few minutes ago someone stole 2 real nice shop mats & a saw horse from in front of my storage unit after my garage sale:mad:
Quote:Another downside of CL is people know where you live or your stuff is, I just found out a few minutes ago someone stole 2 real nice shop mats & a saw horse from in front of my storage unit after my garage sale

THAT is a REAL concern, Charlie. We are super paranoid about anyone coming to our shop, even friends, because they might tell someone of all the neat stuff in there and that might be the wrong person. With all the scams and robberies going on Craigslist strangers are the last people we want coming in there, so we push the stuff outside and close the door before they come. Some people think that is strange, but alarms and cameras can only protect you so much.

We have wondered about the people who expose their stashes on American Picker. Once people know that in a certain town this guy is sitting on a zillion dollars of old stuff it can get very dangerous. People will kill for $2 anymore, so what would they do for some of the treasures shown on that show. It wouldn't take much legwork to find out where "Clem" lives in that town if a person were up to no good.

Sorry to hear you lost your stuff.

Their are some real winner on CL and it take a little getting use to dealing with some of the people that call. Something that I do is make them leave a voice mail, If I don't get a good number I move along. I really don't worry to much about people coming over to check thing out (of coarse I'm not selling Bling). I just pin a few potsers to the wall (guns don't kill people, I kill people) Plus the bikers next door make people feel uncomfortable anyways. Besides my phone number has been in the phonebook 10+ years with all my info.

Plus some of the people I deal with overtime have given me some really good deals on thier stuff or found me good deals. The want to trade guys get under my skin a bit but then again I love to barter. If I don't like a deal I move along.
Yeah like even everyone on the new toy thread posting pictures of their guns. I personally would never do that. The only guns anyone knows I own are handgun I wear walking around my yard when people come to by stuff. And it messes with them even more when my wife walks out with a bill of sale with a gun on her hip too. LOL.

Just can't take a chance with people anymore.
One of the biggest problems with eBay anymore is the managment. At one time a few years back, I bought a lot of used parts on there. Only got burned once or twice. I sold a bunch of stuff that i didn't need to help out with my projects. The new management wanted a "new" ebay that didn't look like a swap meet, so they discouraged small sellers with used parts, now look at what they got. Page after page of Chinese knock off junk that you can buy at Harbor Freight or a flea market just as cheap or even cheaper. The old management was happy with a small percentage on a sale, the new folks are trying to make a killing on every sale. I've looked for alternates myself, but none seem to stand out. As the fees get higher and higher, more folks quit selling, so they raise fees again and again. Sorta sounds like the way the Federal Govt is run, huh?:confused:

Craigslist is hit or miss. There used to be a site called jaxxed that you could go on and see Craigslist stuff from accross the country, but eBay, the owner of Craigslist, served the owner of the site a cease and dissist order. Seems they wanted to keep Craigslist local, and his site made it national. Stupid. He was bringing hits to adds everywhere, helping their business! I used his site several times when we were looking for the wife a car. Both of the Vettes we bought were in different states, and we found them using his site. Now you have to search by each city again, and it takes forever.

I've sold few things on Craigslist, but I always encrypt my ph number, like six89-four4four3 { not my actual number, just used here to explain with}. That keeps the automated calls away. I've used their email service, too. Get some spam from it, but not as much as if you directly listed your email addy.
I have the CL app on my iPad and it let's me look all over the country and states I choose to. It is great I wish it worked liked that on the computer.
encrypt my ph number, like six89-four4four3 { not my actual number, just used here to explain with}. That keeps the automated calls away. I've used their email service, too. Get some spam from it, but not as much as if you directly listed your email addy.

Also if you have a collection company after you they will only do a search using a numeric number. I know someone that works in collections they will also go after facebook to try to be your friend (sneaky ba$ter$).
They should change their name to feebay.com

I have had mostly good luck with craigslist, but generally I talk to them on the phone, if they seem sketchy, I offer to meet them somewhere, rather than have them come to my place to pickup parts I'm selling...

Sidenote: sold the rear bumper off the van tonight... woo hoo another $120...
Ditto on all the above but when I sell something on CL I meet them at my office & never at my house... ever!!! I also keep my friend handy just in case, we've had several CL robberies recently! [ddd

I guess not much gets me any more. A couple times of working late welding with the garage door open, flip my hood up and see a few outlaw or mongal patches for the first time made me a little jumpy. But I guess thats one of the prices you pay building cars.

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