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Rat Rods Rule

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See, it does snow in New Mexico!




SUPPOSED to get some of that white stuff around these parts tonite, so i slipped out early from school and headed home -2-1/2 hrs worth! (did not want to be stranded on roadside, or worse, killed by some idiot that thinks he can drive crash into me b/c of slick roads tomorrow)
love those pics dmw, wouldn't it be fun to have a 34 coupe to work on in the shop while you're snowed in? :D[;)[cl
Got that right! 4 wheel drive has made them worse too. Somehow everyone seems to think the brakes are better in 4-high? [S

Around my area, a lot of people that have a 4-wheel drive think that they can drive in any condition, rain, snow and even ice. 4-wheel drive gives some people a false sense of security. If it's bad weather - lower your speed and drive accordingly. Brakes are brakes - if your skidding on ice or snow, aggressive tread patterns may help.
Around my area, a lot of people that have a 4-wheel drive think that they can drive in any condition, rain, snow and even ice. 4-wheel drive gives some people a false sense of security. If it's bad weather - lower your speed and drive accordingly. Brakes are brakes - if your skidding on ice or snow, aggressive tread patterns may help.

Classic example: Last week a few of use were BS'ing in the shop about the bad roads on the way to work. One guy says "Yeah, I was cruisin around 60 comin' down Old 61 and my back end got a little loose just past the Eldridge exit... 'Whut-oh, guess I better put er into 4x4' - that straightened it out." Me an the mechanic looked at each other. Then the mechanic says "You dumb &#(%!! Did you ever think maybe you should slow your @#$ down!?!"

4x4 Just means you'll really put it deep in the ditch when hit ice.
got at least 8" of snow thru all of this--def won't be getting to go to my shop anytime soon....:(

hopefully it won't stay here much more than this weekend.....

most snow we've had here in a while...[P
We got 8 inches of the white stuff over night and it still coming down now mixed with heavy sleet and freezing rain. Suppose to this all day today and in to the night finally stopping around midnight tonight. Weatherman says we could be looking at 8-12inches before its over. Too cold to work in the shop today.:mad:

I think the dog got lost in it earlier when she when out to do her thing. Snowballs hanging off her belly when she came back in.:D

Looks like a veggie/beef soup day with grilled cheeze sandwiches.....yum yum[cl
We got roughly 5 inches here yesterday through about midnight last night. Yeah, the freezing rain didn't help any either. Funny you mentioned the dog. My dog hadn't seen snow like this in quite a while. She was pretty unsure about doing her thing on the hard frozen snow. [S She sniffed and slipped around for 15 minutes before she finally relented. [cl


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