Endless BS thread

Rat Rods Rule

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I've been having problems with a squirrel, so I built a live trap. The trap worked great!

.... the live part, not so well.
I have a squirrel problem as well. My wife keeps "saving" them so we have them in our house for a while......
I have a squirrel problem as well. My wife keeps "saving" them so we have them in our house for a while......

Thant can't have a happy ending either.
A few weeka ago I mentioned the colonscopy deal. I had additional tests done including cutting a large chunk out of my colon wall.
The results just came back and I am ok.:D
Now, back to rat rod building.[cl
haven't been payin' much attention here lately, :eek: but good reports are always good news, ......bob, glad you got it..........[cl

on another note i must share the way yesterday went for me.......
started about 7:15 firing up the old 46, headin' for my shop (15 miles away) got about 5 miles down the road and it splutters and dies, like its outta gas but it wasn't. i roll into a driveway and get out, raise the hood and look around-yep, the carbs' getting NO gas-must be the filter....pocketnkife-turned-screwdriver and filter is removed only to find it flows freely...crank motor with line "open" (not fire-safe i know) but no gas there either--fuel pump!?[S

grab my cell phone to call the lil' lady cell, but my phone is DEAD :mad:

about 10-15 minutes i hitch a ride back home.....get the car go to the shop, get a buddy and we take his f-250 to pick it up-i might mention i had to go borrow my own trailer back but that's another story.....
by the time we get to my old truck it's raining-just a lite shower not heavy-but bad enuf to get soaked...my friend has an electric winch and we start to pull it up on the trailer, now by this time--10 am--i'm not feeling to "ratrod friendly"...standing there as people drive by gawking and all
......and then it hits me......


.........no wonder i had so much trouble
i think i'll trash it today so i don't have any more "fun" like that:rolleyes:
yup! My day started at 5:30. got the girl up and on the bus for 5:55. boy is up and ready for the bus at 6:10. thought I would be nice and take the tail gate out of the wifes truck as she has to go to work today. won't start. 1/2 hr of diag and find a shorted injector. I just replaced them 110K miles ago! she can take my car and I can take.... truck? no 3rd and reverse. customers car at the house? rear pinion is wiped out. must be the bike today! Oh yea, first time all summer it is pouring out and it is 48 miles one way to work! I am here, late, wet and need to spend $338 for a new injection setup and 2 hours time tonight to put it in! I am right there with you brother! [cl
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yup! My day started at 5:30. got the girl up and on the bus for 5:55. boy is up and ready for the bus at 6:10. thought I would be nice and take the tail gate out of the wifes truck as she has to go to work today. won't start. 1/2 hr of diag and find a shorted injector. I just replaced them 110K miles ago! she can take my car and I can take.... truck? no 3rd and reverse. customers car at the house? rear pinion is wiped out. must be the bike today! Oh yea, first time all summer it is pouring out and it is 48 miles one way to eork! I am here, late, wet and need to spend $338 for a new injection setup and 2 hours time tonight to put it in! I am right there with you brother! [cl

Sometimes it doesn't pay to get out of bed!!!:eek:.:D..CR..
The early bird may get the worm, but he he waits long enough the cat will be full (of the "early birds")and he will not get at by the cat!!:eek:;)
yeah......that one never worked for me when i was telling my dad either:D
i always heard " the early bird may get the worm, but it's the 2nd mouse that gets the cheese!"

any way, while i'm here i'll "vent" a little .....

fell off a ladder sat. afternoon, landed on my right wwrist/arm and "snap, crackle, pop" off to the ER....soooooo now i'm typing one handed, and pretty much outta the shop for a while, also naturally i'm unable to play my tunes on th' 6 string... everything i enjoy doing...now UNABLE TO :mad::mad:

coulda been worse....at least i'm a natural "lefty" and i can still preach (though having only one arm to wave as i holler & slobber makes it different)
I promise I'm going to start on my 34 Tudor project soon. I'm still having trouble finding some parts that I want. I need a REALLY NICE set of 35 Ford wire wheels with no pits. Seems simple enough but I'm striking out.
Sorry to hear about your arm HRP! :( At least you're left handed with a broken right hand. I've broken my right arm twice and I'm right handed....real awkward in some situations!!!!!:eek:...We're waiting patiently Gastrick!!!:D No excuses now that you're "Retired" right?....CR

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