Good news yesterday!

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
May 11, 2007
fort myers florida
About two weeks ago, I went to lunch while I was at work and was eating at a local restaurant. Half way through the meal my vision suddenly went bonkers. I was seeing double and things were far away and distorted. I also felt light headed. It took about 30 seconds or so to return to normal, but on the walk back to work I felt a little unsteady.

I had a stroke in 1998 and thought I was having another one, so I called my ex Wife, who is an RN, and she felt that I had one too. So I made an appointment with my Dr and went to see him a few days later. He gave me a great physical and sent me in for a CAT scan last week.

Yesterday his nurse called to give me the preliminary findings and she said I did NOT have a new stroke. They saw the scarring from my 1998 stroke, but no recent ones ! [cl I still have to go to the Neurologist next Thursday to have the CAT scan read and discussed, and I still feel a little light headed, but at least they have ruled out the stroke or any brain tumors.

At my age, I feel lightheaded sometimes, but the vision thing really got my attention ! :eek: Still don't know why that happened, but hopefully the Neurologist will have some suggestions.

Just wanted to share my good news.

Sounds to me like you were having a blood pressure issue, that'll give you those type of symptoms. Glad you're ok!

Thanks. That is possible. My BP is always something like 119 over 61.......I just took it now and it is 119 over 65. But when I went to the Dr it was 119 over 100. They attributed it to me being nervous at their office, but I was not nervous IMO.

All I know is, I can't die yet, I have 3 more cars to finish ! :D

An ocular migraine is a possibility. I've had a couple. There is no signifigant pain, just brief confused vision.

I suggest you get a few more project cars so you have to live even longer.
That's another possibility Bob. I rarely get headaches, but for the past few weeks I have had one almost constantly. They have finally stopped for the most part. Had me thinking brain tumor or something.

Don, an episode of low blood sugar gives similar symptoms. If there is any diabetes in your ancestry this could be a clue that you are getting diabetic. I don't, however, see why that would happen while eating....usually that will be a correction for the issue. Take care of yourself! We all want to see your builds done...
Don as a long time first responder i suggest if it happens again please call 911 thats what their there for
Glad your ok
I'm glad to hear you're feeling better Don but you need to listen when your
body is telling you something is haywire. Hope you get some answers soon.

Take care of yourself man we got too much crap tore apart and spread out
to take too much time off.
Glad to hear that you are better but be sure to follow up on this.
We all want to see that altered go down the track with you in it.[cl:D
Glad to hear that you are better but be sure to follow up on this.
We all want to see that altered go down the track with you in it.[cl:D

^^^^^What he said. You're one of our favorite interwebz friends...can't imagine this place without you. Get well soon, Bill. :)
Thanks a lot , guys. I consider everyone on here friends and had to share. My Son Dan is diabetic, and he has checked my blood a few times and says it is in the really good range. But my Dr. says we are getting some kind of warning here, so we are not taking any chances.

I had a heart attack when I was 42 (1988) and a stroke in 1998, so everytime I get a little pain I start to wonder what is going on.

Thanks again, all. :)

I was gonna make some humorous comment, but really I'm glad to hear you didn't have a stroke. Hope it's nothing serious Don.
An ocular migraine is a possibility. I've had a couple. There is no signifigant pain, just brief confused vision.

Hope all is well Don.

I've had a few ocular migraines also. On the first one I thought for sure I was having a stroke. I was driving, and when looking at street signs, I could only read the left side of the signs.

Now I recognize when one is coming on. I pop an aspirin and ride it out.

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