Have I been living under a rock????

Rat Rods Rule

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Thank you for the suggestions and options everyone, I appreciate the help. I really don't understand a lot of the terminology so I guess I'll have to research it all and get with the program. Still can't get this cut N paste stuff to work....but dang it, my wallet knows I have Ebay mastered.
I was amazed at th ekids these days and their command of computers.... I wondered where it came from and I remembered that I learned about cars by just jumping in and getting dirty.
But back then we didnt have the internet. automotive knowledge was difficult to come by. many hot rod mags and chilton's manuals.. digging into my dad's heathkit electronics books to figure out how to wire guages and read schematics...

Same goes with computers you just have to jump in and be willing to break stuff.

I had to try several times before I was able to setup my computer to dual boot into windows OR linux from ONE hard drive.
The resources today are diverse and every OS (operating system) has it's own variety of RRR type sites to search for solutions to problems and fin dutorials and tech data on your computer project.

As a matter of fact building your own computer can be done for 1/2 or more cheaper than buying one froma retailer and involves nothign more than hooking up components in a chassis just like a kit car
No soldering...no electrical...ok maybe a little electrical...
look on you tube. lots of how to videos
Look at computers like carburettors and pistons and they aint so scary

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