I'm done for a while....

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2012
Berry, Alabama
Tried the transmission again today. After making sure it was full, still no drive. And while sitting there playing with it, lost reverse as well.:( It's toast.

Engine is leaking water behind alternator bracket, now it's started leaking over on the passenger side somewhere, I figure the freeze plugs must be rusted out. Oil pressure at idle is lower than I like, 5-10 psi, if that. Runs damn good though.

So, it looks like everything is coming back out.:( Got to pull engine to get trans out anyway. At least all the fab work is done, it will only be a matter of removing and replacing.

Still not sure which route I'm going to go. Trans rebuild is $900. As long as engine is out, I might as well re-ring it, put in bearings, new timing chain and all gaskets. Maybe slip a little larger cam in. Looking at probably another $900 or more, depending on how the cylinders look.

Could probably find a Crown Vic, Mustang, or Explorer that looks crappy or minor wreck that I could drive first to check out, then transplant that motor and tranny in for around $1000 or less. But, there I'd go again with stuff I had no history on that might not last.....don't want to do this but one more time.

It won't be any quick decision though. Tuesday will be three weeks off without pay while the damn truck is in the shop. Having to refinance it just to pay the shop bill, have been behind with that damn thing because every time I get a good streak going, it breaks down and I'm back in the hole. I guess it'll sit until next spring, I might be ahead by then.:rolleyes: It sux to be broke all the time.:rolleyes:

It sux to be broke all the time.

amen, brother, l know the feeling, tons of stuff for good price l could flip to get a little $$$ to fix my daily driver, but nope, bills and the house come first leaving very little to use for play money.

if it was't for the fact l am a pack rat/borderline hoarder who can trade and barter well, probally would not have the toys l do.

good luck with the fix. l really hope it works out.

Later :(
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Really sorry to hear about your luck Bama...you'd kind of thought the tranny was toast and unfortunately I guess you were correct. Hang in there.
Stay strong brother.I know it's hard not to get discouraged.
Not that it helps....Things aren't much better around here.
Mrs T's recovery from open heart is not going as smooth as we would hope. Back in the local ER last night with a fever.
Been trying to sell my daily beater so that we will have a couple of bucks to pay for all the gas we have been burning up in her car. Seems the only people that want it are in worse shape then we are.:eek:
All any of us can do is to move forward as best as possible.
Keep on keeping on.....
Sorry for your rotten luck. :(

I'm suffering some bad times as well. If it makes you feel any better, drop in so we can whine and complain in stereo! :D

Sorry for your rotten luck. :(

I'm suffering some bad times as well. If it makes you feel any better, drop in so we can whine and complain in stereo! :D


When I was getting my leg chopped off one of the "Frequent comments" from people was. "At least you not alone during this". After a while I got really fed up of hearing that and blurted out to some one. "I bet that's the same thing all those poor Bas$@#ds on the Titanic told each other as it was going under.":eek:
Misery loves company.:D
I don't do well with sympathies... especially when offered by somebody I don't know or like because it's nothing but lip service...

I dropped into my best friend's shop and shortly behind me, comes this blowhard jackass I couldn't stand at the best of times... anyhow, he says, "Sorry to hear about your brother." :mad:

I snapped back, "Care to join him?" [ddd

Yeah, it sux, but it is what it is. Not really depressed over it, more discouraged. I let the engine and trans sit too long before trying to use them. I could probably spend $500 and pick up a used Turbo 350 and slap the Chevy back in, would just have to build mounts and change the exhaust back, but that's not what I want, I want a Ford in Ford product because nobody does it, and I just like them better.

Time and money are short though. When I do get back to work, weekends are it, and I can start sticking back for the rebuilds. Don't think I'm even going to fool with tearing it down until I get the money up, don't want to lose anything. It will be a better car with a new engine and trans. Still got my sights for it to be nice, just going to take longer. Might go ahead and start sanding and repairing the few rough spots while I wait, sandpaper is cheap enough.
I'm doing the things on my projects that don't cost much money. Kinda short on funds right now. Sounds like a good plan to pick away at the body while you wait for your lottery winnings.[cl

Yes, I'd rather be offering "thoughts and prayers" than doing the actual suffering. Although I've had a few misfortunes come my way in recent years and the positive support from you guys has been important to me.
I don't do well with sympathies... especially when offered by somebody I don't know or like because it's nothing but lip service...

I dropped into my best friend's shop and shortly behind me, comes this blowhard jackass I couldn't stand at the best of times... anyhow, he says, "Sorry to hear about your brother." :mad:

I snapped back, "Care to join him?" [ddd

Brothers from another mother. Crank.:D
I'm doing the things on my projects that don't cost much money. Kinda short on funds right now. Sounds like a good plan to pick away at the body while you wait for your lottery winnings.[cl

Yes, I'd rather be offering "thoughts and prayers" than doing the actual suffering. Although I've had a few misfortunes come my way in recent years and the positive support from you guys has been important to me.

That's what I'm doing with the Dodge, bob. Using what I have to get done what I can.
Do what you can on it Bama. Anything to keep the fire lit..
Brothers from another mother. Crank.:D

That's what I'm doing with the Dodge, bob. Using what I have to get done what I can.
Do what you can on it Bama. Anything to keep the fire lit..

Yeah, the pilot light is on Torchie.:D Just got to get some $$$ to burn and stoke that fire up.[ddd[ddd[ddd

Don't be a stranger Bam. We all want to hear how it goes for you.

I ain't going nowhere E man. I've still got lots of little things to do along with some bodywork and ,GASP, paint! [ddd:D[ddd:D
We all have those tough times no matter if ya have a bunch of money or not.
I'm terrible with expressing my sorrowful feelings I have for anyone having trouble :(
We have a forum to visit and get support which makes UDS great.
bobby what trans do you have? before you have it done let me check with some buddy's to see what we can do.
on that note i'm looking for a chevrolet th350. i will check with my buddy's to see if any can do a aod.
Thanks for the info. I have never built an automatic trans before, so I'm not real comfortable with trying. I know there are some specialized tools involved, some you can make yourself. If it was in a car where I could easily take it in and out I might give it a try sometime. At $231 for the Oregon kit, plus $250 for a new torque converter, you're already over halfway to the $900 that Burgess priced me. So far, he's the only one I've called, there is a guy in Tuscaloosa that builds one of my buddies drag car transmissions, I'm going to call him and get a price when I get closer to ready.

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