I'm not real fond of copperheads!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Out here in the Tejas hills we have all kinds of creepy crawly critters... rattlers, copperheads, coral snakes, scorpions, tarantulas etc!

Mrs Tripper nearly stepped on a pretty big copperhead last week & although I don't mind most snakes... I don't tolerate poisonous ones. It met an untimely end!

On Sunday I was working under the deck I'm building and am always cautious & there was an empty plastic mulch bag under there & when I moved it... about a foot long copperhead was under there taking a nappy nap. They usually freeze so I crawled out backwards muey pronto. I got my ax & missed the 1st time & he took off. That was enough for me so I called it a day.... just glad it wasn't a rattler because they will attack you... been there & that definitely ain't no fun!

Oh yeah... got bit on the top of the head a couple weeks ago by a scorpion that had crawled in my cap. Always check it before I put it on now!

I hear ya....we've been in a drought for a few years and it's trying to come out of it with plenty of rain. Anything that's been inhabiting the lowlands is moving to higher ground. I killed 2 pygmy rattlers mowing my grass the other day. My record for a years worth of poisonous snakes killed in a one year stretch here is 22 pygmies, 2 diamondbacks, and 8 cottonmouths.
Of those, the pygmy is the worst. Smaller usually than 3 ft. but camouflaged well and rattles so small they don't really make much noise.
I was putting shocks on the f350 when this one decided to see if he could help. I had crawled out from under the truck, went to the house to get a cold drink and when I came back to resume working, this big boy was in my spot...
As a good friend of mine once said..."I'm only scared of 2 kinds of snakes.....

Big ones and little ones!!!:eek: [cl
Yep, I'll take snow and cold any day, it weeds out this stuff!

Yup. We do have rattlers but I haven't seen a live one in years. The winter does have a cleansing affect, gets rid of a lot of pesky things. After living in East Texas, I also never again want to reside where the spore and mold count in the air is part of the evening weather. I had the crud, coughing up crap and snotty nose half the year down there.
Only good snake is a dead snake! :eek:

Bama... I have several rat snakes that hang around. Anywhere you have animal feed... u're gonna have mice & rats & the biggest rat snake is about 6-7 ft long so I figure he didn't get that big without eatin' lots of the lil kritters! I give him wide berth but don't mess with him!

They're everywhere here. I leave the non-piosonous ones alone, I walk these woods barefoot, the poisonous ones have to go. I've got a yellow rat snake that takes care of some of the mice around my horse feed. He's about 5 feet long and has already met up with my bulldog once. He was wrung out pretty good by the time I got to him, but I put him across the fence and he came back after he healed.
I've been to some places in Texas that really match some of the terrain I have here and much the same kind of problems too. Even the woods, If it doesn't stick you or cut you, it'll probably bite you...
I'm not a fan either,A couple of weeks ago the dog started raising hell I went to see what was going on.This was on the front porch behind some stuff. About 4' long and 9 buttons.





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we have a lot of red racers here and i really like em
(think garter snake)
matter of fact
i accidentally ran over one with my mower recently and felt terrible
so i put it on it's highest and slowest settings so they can get out of the way.
if i saw a rattler around the house i would kill it
but in the wild i leave em alone
I think a lot of people are like me. I can't tell the difference between the good and the bad snakes. Killed 3 so far this summer, all were about 5ft long ,kind of charcoal colored with a light belly.
You guys in the South have some weird stuff to shoot at, glad you have it and I don't.
Did have a 7" bees nest in the well house today as I was re-roofing it. Sprayed em from a distance and all was good. Compared to the snake thing, I'm OK.
I would love to have some king snakes around the house
For the simple reason they EAT rattlers.

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