Interior Questions

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2008
Sibley, Iowa
My dad got an interior kit from Macs yesterday for our 29 tudor sedan and is havin a hard time figuring out where all the pieces go. Since its gonna be a more traditional style he wanted black tuck & roll on the seats & side panels. This kit is kinda like a cardboard or felt board type material. Just wondering if anybody out there has a pic or diagram of where all the pieces go. And what should a person use for the roof panel since the kit didn't come w/one. Too bad the ol man didn't want to just paint the inside black and stain & varnish the wood. I've seen that done on a rat rod, same yr as mine, and that looked cool. Well any ideas would help. Thanks
Yep, that is what I would do too. You could also start by doing a process of elimination...........figure out what pieces you can say for sure go in certain places because of their obvious shapes, then once those are out of the way, move onto the more confusing ones and try to figure out where they would fit.

Just thought I'd give an update on this. We got ahold of MAC'S and they have no directions or assy instructions with the kit. The supplier for the interior is new with them and they would check to see if they can get some thing arranged. We'll see :confused:. Anyway pop's has been test fittin the pieces that he is sure about and makin them work. He has looked at a stock model A of a friend of ours to see what origional panels looked like. Some pieces are not the same and some are not even in the kit we got, Mostly the curved pieces between the rear window and side windows. Yea, kinda frustrating.:mad: My cousin,who' s doin the interior for us, can get the cardboard like pieces we need for the roof, no big deal there. Any links to any sites that anyone may know of about interior would be cool. Thanks.
you can get some abs sheet from a plastic supplier near you, it comes black or white and 1 side has a texture usually, it will hold up a lot better than the normal cardboard used and you can cover it with matching vinyl

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