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Rat Rods Rule

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Active member
Jun 20, 2011
Hello to all you car lovers. I'm Court and I have been a car lover for as long as I can remember. My interest lies mostly in the esthetics of a car, the way it looks, the lines, the overall character of the car. I've really been enjoying the rat rod trend over the past several years. I love the idea of rough looking car with lots of power. Makes them beasty if you know what I mean. I'm a graphic designer by trade but currently unemployed. I've been spending time to try to get back into an old passion of mine from many years ago and that's drawing cars and building models. I've gotten rusty over the years but it feels good to get back into it. Anyway, it's good to find a place with people of a common interest. We'll talk later.
Welcome to RRR, lots of cool stuff and cool folks here, and yes we'd love to see some of your work :D

How do I post a picture?

First you need to have the photos stored or "hosted" somewhere, I use Photobucket and it's free. It's a good idea to resize them before uploading them to Photobucket (somewhere around 1024X 768 fits most monitors well). Once you have your photos on Photo bucket go the photo you want to post and move your cursor to the "IMG Code" button below the picture and left click, this copies the URL. Now go to the thread where you want to post the pic and paste (I just use "Ctrl V") the URL in your post. If you are posting more than one pic be sure to hit enter after each pic so you drop down to another line or else the pics will string across the page and make for a frustrating post to read. I'm not much of a computer person so there's probably easier ways to do it but that's how I do them, I also use the "preview post button" to see if my stuff looks okay before I post a comment.
Hope this helps, looking forward to seeing your work.

Welcome....and tell us

What part of the country are you in?

Maybe you could become the "Chip Foose"
of Rat Rods with your artwork.:cool:

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