RRR T-shirts!!!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
OK... the clock was tickin' down on me so I ran with what I got!!! Burnout Houston is Sept 8th & I takin' a little time off for Labor Day... short fuse! So I had my assistant make some shirts up at CafePress with the design from my friend. I'll also make some other designs shortly. I'm gonna give away some shirts next week when I get 'um too. I don't know jack about CafePress but if I do make any $$$ from the shirts I will donate 100% of it to my favorite children's charity!


These shirts look great! I like the women's tank.
I may get me and Flat a couple.
Great Job Trip!
More later!

Thanks,Real cool shirts.Is that the only logo?

I'm workin' on some others but my buddy, who is a famous artist here, made that image for me & I wanted to have some by the Bayou City Burnout which is about 3-4 miles from my house weekend after next (Sept 8th)... so I had these made up in a hurry for that. More later... I'm takin' a few daze off here @ Labor Day but will b back in force when I get back!

whats burnout Houston

WHats burnout Houston? I havent heard of it before but it sounds like I need to go
LMAO!!!! So, were's the pics??

I didn't want to intimidate anyone here with my manliness but since i'm being called out. :D

Looks great! Love the bassett! Can't wait to get ours!
Alright Rustybeercan, you gotta sport a pic of yours too when it comes in!
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I will be glad to put a pic of myself sporting a RRR shirt.
Tried to get "Reason4" to get a small shirt so I could post a pic of the two of us, but she would have no part of it...

O-well......I tried

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