School Project!

Rat Rods Rule

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A little progress.

My spring perch is almost done and theres a pic of the new studs and a plated center cap. Theres more to come tomorow, im scrambling for time now. I cant stop thinking about what to do next haha.:)


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a little Progress

Cut the wishbone ends and got the spring perch done. Im bringing it into school for tommorow so i can get welding.:)


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some Progress!

It rolls but i need to split the wishbone and bend it and weld on some tabs to mount to the frame. I cut into it on one side and heated it with a torch and tugged on it alot but it wouldnt budge so i need some advice and pictures. i see alot of you dont do this anymore. is it ok to do? :confused::)


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Im really proud to say i built a rolling frame in 7 weeks.

theres 3 days left of school now and i built a rolling chassis in 7 weeks in under an hour a day and my frame is at my house. my dad and my friend helped me get the cab on the frame. I love it. Its a little lower then it will be but i think it looks cool this way.:)


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a few more pics.

some more pictures.


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some more! i still have to bend the wishbones. IM gunna try and get the flathead home soon. And also im gunna cut the grill out. im planning on using a 50 ford grill on it just the bars and then have some floating type headlights.:)


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Good for you 50Ford. You pulled it off and did a good job of it too. Congrats on reaching your goal of finishing the rolling chassis before the school year ended. The truck looks good.
Got the grill section cut out. Im not sure wat im gunna cut out to make it fit but for sure the old light spots.:)


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Paint program. you can tell im getting excited haha.


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50Ford that's looking really good! Wished I had that much ability when I was your age. You are very talented and that something you should be very proud of. Can't wait to see what you're gonna build in 10 years. :D
I Dont have any form of welder at my house so im trying to get all that i can done untill i can either buy one or go somewhere that i can use one. so i cut the grill out more, its still not quite how i want it but its getting closer. Im trying to figure out the bed also. my cardboard bed sides arent good enough to post yet haha.:)


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Thanks alot gastrick. I like it alot. I need all the refrences i can get im already running into a few problems but nothing that a fresh grinding wheel cant fix haha. My mom walked into the garage and i was sitting in it with a lawn chair day-dreaming haha she didnt know wat to think im sure.haha I was probably making motor noises also like normally haha. I like the last picture the best it shows the short wheelbase and the proportions im trying to get.
I was trying different positions with the grill and i like it leaning back a little bit like this. It gives it a meaner look i think. Also some hubcaps and rings.:)


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I got the bed almost how i want it size wise, I decided to make it out of wood first so i wouldnt waste money on metal beacasue i seem to change my mind alot. I will make the tailgate and roll pan tommorow if its not raining which is very unlikely. haha i have like 20 small peices of wood just to get the sides to what i wanted, Its getting closer though.:) Also im getting sick of the differnce in colors so i think im going to do another spray bomb paint job haha, all flat black with silver grill bars. More pictures to come tommorow of the back.:)


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