Small side project...

Rat Rods Rule

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The Hot Rod Cop
Apr 8, 2010
This Vega was mine about 8 years ago, swapped for a TH400 with a brake, my good friend ended up with it later. Now I'm getting the cage straightened out and a decent firewall into it. Here is the first half. Once all the lower firewall is in I will fill in and finish the upper cowl area. The last pic is from the inside...

Mostly street Eman. It's getting a 6.0L LS motor with a carb. He might run it down the track from time to time but not competitively. If you can beleive it they used to run this with a SBC / glide only had the rear 4 point roll bar, the fire wall was pop riveted in and there wasn't anything bracing the front suspension area other than the engine itself! They must have forgot Vegas were unibody cars!
That should be one heck of a ride, and a safe one once you've completed all the improvements.
I hope your daughter is just posing for the last photo. A spinning tool,long hair,no eye protection....?
Maybe i'm over protective [S

All valid points. After the initial "hey this thing is cool!" she was kicked out of the shop due to no hair tie, flip flops and safety glasses. Of course she brought up "Dad, you do this this and that..." to which I replied "I like getting burned, scarred, going to the hospital...DO YOU??" lol this childish exchange migrated up into the kitchen so I guess I won![cl
So my daughter is spending an increasing amount of time in the shop. I had to build a production run of sheet metal box covers. She came down and spent a couple of 3 - 6 hour shifts in the shop. She can now use a straight and box pan brake, spot welder and a flange and punch tool. The safety gear has increased as well. I did tell her right after this photo that the safety glasses are not for protecting her hair...She is stubborn! (I wonder where THAT trait came from...)

Yep, I have a burn on my eyelid right now - glad I had glasses on or it woulda been on the eyeball.

....what was this thread about...???? Oh yeah... cool Vega project!! :D
Great to see your daughter taking interest. My oldest used to do some stuff in the garage and changes her own tires and brakes. when she wrecked her car she did the interior work.