"VLV 15 via Route 66 Road Trip"

Rat Rods Rule

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I have been wanting to go for a few years, girlfriend even wants to make the trip...but I dont think I want to go until I can drive it, even though I know I cant get in with a fender less post 34 truck
I wanna go but I'm sure not drivin' any of my rear end killers 2000+ miles! :eek:

Make sure you stop and say hello.

That's the plan ;)

if the funds were available i would be there. i grew up in vegas and alot of my family will be there. they always send me pictures to make me jelous, and it works:mad:

We've been there but have never driven, we have talked about driving out west for over 25 years and after following (real time) this thread on the H.A.M.B. we decided (the Lord willing :D ) that we're going to do it this year. I've been putting a little cash back from all my deals to pay for it and that's been hard as I hate to spend on anything that I can't get my investment back but I guess I will in the memories we'll make.
i went a couple of years ago! was a great time and the wife and i plan on going again..... dont think it will be this year though .... but hope next!!!
I have had wanted to go the last few years, first it was that the 1st kid was just months old, then it was saving for the wedding, now 2nd kid is due in March and not sure a 1-2 month old can appreciate Vegas. So I am hoping it may be in the cards for 2013. Would love to drive it, but I highly doubt that'd be in the cards for me.
I went in 2007 but flew in a big tin bird. The show was on the roof of a parking ramp ad there were no restrictions. Best show I had been to up to that point.

We didn't do the rockabilly stuff but would if I went again.
I was able to go a couple of years ago. I spent one day at the show, the next day, the wife and I renewed our wedding vows at the Graceland Chappel, now that was fun!
We plan to document our trip extensively with photos and video (I do video production for a living), and plan to do a trip thread here and update each night but will do status updates all throughout the day on Facebook, "Friend" me if you want the instant updates.

[email protected]

1st year going!trying to finish truck to try to take. Got readieator yesterday. Gonna bolt in today . Maybe start it up ! Damn I'm exceeded ! Been building for 1 1/2 years . Can't drive till I get drive shaft made .
Well the day has come and we are pulling out of the driveway headed west. We will try to post several times a day and share as much of the people, places and things we see along the way.


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