WHAT happened to battery prices?!?

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Holy cow... I was lookin' for a new battery for my panel truck & was I ever in for a big surprise!!! Batteries that used to be about $65 are now $95-$114. A cheapy 1 year battery is now about $60! What the heck is goin' on?!? Might have to wait for Santa now!!! :eek::eek::eek:

I know, Bob, I got the same sticker shock when I had to recently replace the battery in my daily driver..........$ 100 for a run of the mill Advance Auto one.

And, have you seen the prices for a quart of oil lately? :eek: I needed to top off my daily and a quart of oil is in the $5.00 and change range.

I can understand inflation, but for stuff to double in price is nuts.

Got a kick out of an add for a new Lithium ion

battery for the cars....super light weight, and come with their own battery charger.....recharges in 1 to 10 minutes depending.....only $1,495.....gotta run out and get me some of those....:eek:

Good thing I properly diagnosed the bad alternator in my little '79 Buick before running out and getting a battery. I happened to have a good alternator in the pile, too. :D

I get motor oil by the case at Sam's club - cheapest price (like $2 /Qt). I would suspect similar savings at BJ's or Costco...

Prices are getting out of order on food, too. At least gas prices seem to be down.

I had to put two of the big 950cca batteries in my Dodge Cummins DD, that was two bills and some change out the window..but at least now it will start below 40° :D
lead price is way up is one thing but every thing is jumping up in price. I hear gas is fixing to jump back up to oil is over $100.00 a barrel again.
Oh boy.....

Don't get me started on the oil prices.....that $100 barrel of oil they pull out and ship here won't even see the pumps or anywhere else for months if not years....if you were to average out the prices of a barrel of oil over the last few years, there would be no reason for gas to vary in price....ever! But alas...I ramble.....I told you not to get me started......:D
Don't get me started on the oil prices.....that $100 barrel of oil they pull out and ship here won't even see the pumps or anywhere else for months if not years....if you were to average out the prices of a barrel of oil over the last few years, there would be no reason for gas to vary in price....ever! But alas...I ramble.....I told you not to get me started......:D

i agree.
The goldman sucks and other bank fraudsters through the federal reserve doubled the amount of money in the economy thorugh bailouts and corporate welfare to prop up the special interest crooks at the expense of the taxpayer... wonder why all you heard on the news was mortgage crisis when 66 billion of the first 750 billion in tarp funds would have purchased every home that was as much as one month behind on payments as a gift to the homeowner?
because they had to blame it on the taxpayer.. to put the burden to pay on the taxpayer.
Not only will you be taxed enough to cover the doubling of the money supply over Bush And Obama administrations (banker puppets)...
The value of every dollar you hold will become worth half of what it was before. it will take double dollars to purchase what could be purchased before the bailouts.
The Us economy generally takes about 5 years for institutional fraud to result in higher consumer prices and another 10 years for the inflation to trickle up back to the fraudsters who engineered it. by that time they simply crash the economy and re institute the same scheme.
You will note that according to the government there is no inflation as consumer prices rise. during these times the government talks boldly about a resurgent economy as inflation results in increased corporate revenue.
Only when the people wake up and say "hey my money is now worth half, I need more per hour" will you see the government get serious and declare a war on inflation.
Artificial market fluctuations engineered through the federal reserve are designed to reduce the value of your labor and increase the value of consumer goods. when people demand more the cycle is repeated the economy is crashed so the people have no choice, special interests are baield out, and prices are raised on the consumer while wages and benefits are cut.
it is nothing less than all out war on American labor and small business by the crony capitalists.
According to the US government farmers are not the farm industry, truckers are not the trucking industry, doctors and nurses are not the medical industry but you the tradesman and small business are merely suppliers to each respective industry.
The government recognizes only the capital investment groups controlling each economic sector as "the industry" and anyone materially active as merely a supplier to the industry.
If your not a crook you must be a pawn and crooks don't work they only run games.
Just so you know,,,in case you wondered why the government doesn't care about you.
It ain't the saints that butter the devils bread
My head explodes... sometimes I wish I didn't know why things suck like they do... Don't know why I keep digging...like what good is it to know why and find out hey what can i do about it?
The only thing I could possibly do with such understanding is to be a better crook myself and I don't want to live with that...
If anything it makes me feel like a better person knowing the establishment and the people I'm told to look up to as better than me... are scumbags. as long as I'm a no-body I can get away with saying that. theres no gun at my head or camera watching over me.

But is does feel pretty good and it is a lot of fun saying look at these clowns and see what they are up to just to see them fail at it.
I've never been the kind of guy to go out on his own battling evil and making a spectacle of myself but I've always been the kind of guy that can't resist lurking about for a juicy tale to tell or poking a stick into an ant hill or a decomposing dog turd just to see them critters scurry in the light.
Torchmann, you should run for office. Only a politician can talk at such length and never speak the word "battery". :D

Tyler Durden-"Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy **** we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very ****ed off."

When you have insomnia, you're never really asleep... and you're never really awake.

On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

God Damn! We just had a near-life experience, fellas

With insomnia, nothing's real. Everything's far away. Everything's a copy of a copy of a copy.

I want you to hit me as hard as you can.

Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of Raymond K. Hessel's life. His breakfast will taste better than any meal you and I have ever tasted.
Torchman, you need something to ponder about,

what about Immortality and Medical Science for example.

that subject could keep you going for a little while and when you are finished go back and reconsider it all over again with the human factor and politics added in.

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