When will they ever learn!? New M5 bites the dust!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
WHEN will they ever learn?! I'm out for a leisurely cruise this afternoon doin' about 65. Some fool comes up tryin' to egg me on in a brand new BMW M5... still had the paper tags on. I'm tryin' to ignore him & his pal who are goin' nuts & totally actin' like fools. They were dyin' to show me what they had under the hood so I figured it was my red-blooded American duty to show them what I had under mine too. Maybe they'll be a lil more respectful of American muscle & pick on some soccer moms next time instead... hahahaha!!! [ddd[ddd[ddd

You need to get a rear window cam so you can share.

I'm gonna look into that! Love to have it on vid & see their faces after they were actin' like such fools!

Way to go Bob!..bet that felt good.[cl

It did! I was really just mindin' my own biz!

And I was just going to go out and buy a M5. I'm going to have to get me something else now! :eek:[ddd:p

Sorry... didn't mean to crush u're dream! [ddd[ddd[ddd

I know it's a ton 'o fun, and I have done a bit of it myself but, are you risking having your Chevelle impounded or confiscated?

How fast to you have to go for the Law to do bad things to you?:(

I'm assuming these are very short bursts of insanely fun performance.:D

If I was King of the USA I'd immediately start building an additional lane on all freeways with no speed limit.[ddd
what's a M-5

Yea Yea Yea, it's like all my other friends talk talk talk, but don't have anything to prove it :D
Ya know videos are incriminating :confused:
Shore is fun tho :cool:
And that same owner is wondering, what's a CHE ROLET? [S

Haha Dr Cranky... & yes... I'm still lookin' for that dang "V"!!! [ddd[ddd

I'm assuming these are very short bursts of insanely fun performance.:D

Bob... only took a matter of seconds & u may also assume I would *never* break any speed limits etc! [ddd:eek:

I know it's a ton 'o fun, and I have done a bit of it myself but, are you risking having your Chevelle impounded or confiscated?

How fast to you have to go for the Law to do bad things to you?:(

I'm assuming these are very short bursts of insanely fun performance.:D

If I was King of the USA I'd immediately start building an additional lane on all freeways with no speed limit.[ddd

I remember when if you were the loser, you were the one the cops caught first (it's tough to outrun a radio..). Now if you get nailed 'street racing' your vehicles get impounded and you get nasty fines. However, the morons with these overpriced import zippy cars can afford fancy lawyers and usually walk...

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