Bad bike wreck..

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2008
Brunswick, Ohio
Thursday morning my sister and a friend were out riding, My sister dumped her bike bad. She has been in the ICU ever since. She fractured her skull, has bleeding in the brain and swelling at the brain stem. She is bad shape. In and out of it....not too coherent....Talked to her doctor this morning and they are optimistic for a "good" recovery....I asked "a full recovery?" and the doc says the best we can hope for is a good recovery. She has some brain damage and my sister will never be the way she was. The doctor said it best " If she had her helmet on she'd be at home calling on parts to fix the bike not laying in bed hopeing her brain isn't too scrambled."

Please any of you that ride...(I'm guilty of it as well) Please save your family the agony, pain, and stress of this and WEAR YOUR HELMET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next to the death of my parents this is the hardest thing I have had to deal with...
The wife of a good friend had severe brain damage from a bike crash. It took over a year but she has made a fantastic recovery.

This too can be the result for your sister. It is amazing how much a person can recover. Keep the faith.
Sorry to hear this! Thoughts and prayers are with you. Try to keep a positive attitude, doctors aren't always correct.
wishing you the best. i've been saved by a helmet a few times already. got dragged behind a dirtbike through gravel about 15 yards once, bike started surging, thought it would be alright, jumped on me and kicked me off, but kept ahold of my sleeve when it went. dragged me. helmet was scratched and scarred up bad. road rash all over arms and legs. helmet saved me. on a bicycle many times.
Sorry to hear the bad news! I quit riding years ago when I saw a guy get killed one day after work in front of my office. He had ape hanger handle bars... was thrown over them & his boys were caught on them & he bled to death in the street right in front of me. A friend of mine was killed last year... not wearing a helmet! He was 31.. same age as my son. It scares me to death seeing people ride bikes with no helmet! Don't do it... I'm beggin' ya!!!

So to here the bad news. I hope she recovers fully.

I always ride with a helmet. Years ago I was riding through an intersection when a older lady drove through the stop sign and when she seen me she hit the brakes and stop right in front of me. I ended up hitting her right in the passenger door and flow over the handle bars hitting the top of the window opening with the top and back of my helmet. Then I ended up going through the window and hitting her in the side of the head with the top of my helmet. I walked away with some cuts and bruises. She had a broken neck but ended up recovering.

From that day on I knew that helmets are a good thing.
Our prayers go out for your Sister and your family. I hope she makes a full recovery from this accident. A Neurologist told me one time the brain is a tougher organ than most people think. He said he has patients who have nails embedded in their brain from construction accidents, and the brain develops other portions to compensate for the damaged ones.

Please keep us posted on how she is doing.

I feel for you, sorry to hear about your sis.
I've rode a lot of different crotch rockets and wore helmets a lot. I prefer not to wear one on the street though. I like full situational awareness in all directions and never had a helmet that didn't compromise that. I always figured it was what was on the inside of my head that would save me, not what was strapped to the outside.
Sorry to preach, the Sturgis Rally is just getting over and I see thousands of people on bikes that really don't have good survival skills. Sad.
I feel for you, sorry to hear about your sis.
I've rode a lot of different crotch rockets and wore helmets a lot. I prefer not to wear one on the street though. I like full situational awareness in all directions and never had a helmet that didn't compromise that. I always figured it was what was on the inside of my head that would save me, not what was strapped to the outside.
Sorry to preach, the Sturgis Rally is just getting over and I see thousands of people on bikes that really don't have good survival skills. Sad.

I now were you are come from about other rider not being aware of what is going on around them. But I think you should try the NXT Half helmet. It is made of kevlar and is tight fitting and conforms to the shape of your head and is DOT approved. It only weigh about 26 oz. I find it not to interfere with see what is around you and it feel like you have nothing on. Its about $170.00

What got me looking at Kelvar helmet was when I was a fire fighter we got a couple of Kevlar fire helmet to try out. After that I never wanted to got back to a standard fire helmet again. That thing was light and was not hard on your nick after wearing for a couple of hours.
Thoughts and Prayers for a full and speedy recovery, May GOD's blessings pour out over your sister, the whole family, and all of the hospital staff taking care of her. Torque and family.
I am sorry to hear this. My prayers are sent. I lost my best friend to a bike accident about 18 years ago. I hate motorcycles , I came upon the accident on the way home from work and saw my buddy bleeding out. He was wearing a helmet but it came off and the accident was not his fault. Any of you who ride pay attention and drive defensively , remember you have to watch for the other people. They aren't. I hope the best for your sister.
Sorry to hear the bad news. Hang in there. She's probably tougher than the doctors give her credit for.

It scares me to death seeing people ride bikes with no helmet!

...and shorts...and flip flops...

I learned along time ago, always wear good boots and at least a pair of levis and a light jacket.
thanks for all the well wishes and support. Spoke to the nurses a lil bit ago and there is no change from yesturday. They say the mri and cat scan does show a little less bleeding on the brain, so that is a good thing!!
Sorry to hear the bad news. Hang in there. She's probably tougher than the doctors give her credit for.

...and shorts...and flip flops...

I learned along time ago, always wear good boots and at least a pair of levis and a light jacket.

Yup, I can't count how many people I see riding in shorts and flipflops, makes me cringe. You do have to drive for everyone out there, that's for sure. And ride like you are invisible. That's the only way you will make it.
I hope your sis pulls out with no permanent injuries. None of us wants to see people suffer.
Sorry to hear the bad news. Hang in there. She's probably tougher than the doctors give her credit for.

...and shorts...and flip flops...

I learned along time ago, always wear good boots and at least a pair of levis and a light jacket.

You mean something like this guy. Seen it at last week car show. No flip flops but just as bad.


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