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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2010
I'm pretty sure already what I aim to do, but still interested in what everyone else thinks..

This is my 1948 Plymouth P15. If you read my intro, you know already that my 13 year old daughter had claimed this car as her own since she was a toddler. She LOVES this car, and I have never been able to turn a wrench, or start it up without her right by my side. If I went out to the garage, and started it, and she wasn't there, as soon as she heard it start, she would drop everything and come running out to the garage and climb in. Then bless me out for getting in it without her. Anyway, I have decided to give the old gal (named Eleanor) a makeover. My daughter loves the Rat look, and wants it flat black. But, I just think flat black is too dark for so much sheet metal in one car. Looks great on small coupes, but a car this large, just too much IMHO. We have agreed on "red" painted smoothie wheels, with chrome baby moons, and Coker wide white wall radials. We plan to strip most of the stainless from her. Most all of it from the grille (P15s look pretty cool with the chrome grille slats removed). most the side stainless. Any we decide to leave, we want to brush (matt) finish it. Might shave the door handles, not sure yet. As far as color, I have always love Flat Red Oxide (Almost a brown primer color). I want to go with the red oxide, the kid wants to go flat black. Too many rats are already flat black for one thing, then my above mentioned issue with it. The flat redish brown color, I think will look better on Eleanor. What do you think? Help me convience the kid.

Whatever the case, my daughter is sure to have the coolest car in high school. Ya just don't see cars like this parked in high school student parking lots anymore. Ahh, it would bring back some memories..


uh, dunno..

I never really got into the 2 tone stuff, even tho I did try that once. I did my 49 GMC pickup in two tone. Kinda liked it, but still not really my thing. I painted my GMC Crimson red, with the fenders and running boards a custom mixed "rose". Got allot of good feedback with that, but just was never happy with it myself.


The kid is my now 21 year old son.
I'm not a restorer by any stretch of the imagination, but WOW that car is so clean I would have a hard time doing anything but leave it stock. Once you do that stuff it is so hard to ever bring it back to where it was.

Your Daughter has to realize that in 3 years the rat rod thing may have changed to the point where the car will be not cool any more. I know, I know, I am on a rat rod forum and that is like calling the Pope names. But car fads come and go, and what was cool yesterday is now just goofy looking. (Remember all those cars that had huge flares welded over the wheel openings, or Hippie paint jobs????????:rolleyes::eek:)

If anything, I might put some cool wheels on it (NOT DONK size, just some 15 inchers that look good), drop it just a tad, and stuff like that. But it is your (her) car, so do what pleases you.

I hear ya..

And I have thought of that. But, I am an old schooler, and have love the Rat look long before it was considered cool. In fact back in the day, it was frowned upon. Fortunatly, my daughter is allot like I am, and don't really care what others think about something she personally likes. She has loved the Rat look, and never really knew why, or even knew it was considered cool until kids fell in love with her bicycle a few years ago. I got her one of those "bobber" looking bicycles several Christmases ago, and low and behold (me and her mother didn't have a clue until she did it) she took a brand new bike in my garage, took one of my flat black rattle cans, and spray painted her brand new bike flat black. I saw it and gasps, but then said, "That looks cool". We put some wide white wall bike tires on it, and her bike turned into a cool rat bike. The neighbor kids loved it too, and wanted us to "customize" their bikes, hahhah..

Anyway.. I don't plan to do more than can be reversed, because the car is so clean and original. It really is a "survivor". That is why I am so on the fence about shaving the doors. Any Chrome I take off, will be kept. really the only thing we want to do is change the paint, and put some cooler wheels (the smoothies) on it. That sort of stuff can be reversed without much trouble.
I'm with don, I wouldn't mess with that paintjob either. Or do anything faddish to it. Having a daughter about the same age who is ready for a car myself, I would also advise NOT making that her first car. Let her cut her teeth on something more replaceable. Remember high school? and the stuff that happens to cars in the high school lot?
My daughter is an excellent driver for a 14 (almost 15) year old and she wants an old car too but will have to start out with something like maybe a Ranger pickup before I turn her loose in a 67 Mustang. Just sayin... maybe ease her into it, like only drive it with you, then to a special occasion here and there.
Thought ALLOT about that too.

Your concerns are also mine. first thing, i want her safe. And we do plan on getting her a VW bug too. I have not officially turned over the keys to Eleanor to her. But she has a couple more years before she gets any license to drive. We are doing Eleanor together, and it will be for her to drive, but not as a daily driver. I will let her drive it to school sometimes so she can take bragging rights, but her mother and I plan to get her a VW bug as her daily driver. She loves vintage bugs too, and you can still pick those up cheap enough. And it will be something she can turn a wrench on herself for a learning "Beginer" hot rod. me and her mother restored several VWs over the years, and my daughter loves those too. Those are great start "poor mans" rods, hahhah.. But, anyway.. A VW bug will be her daily driver. Eleanor will be a joint effort between us both, and eventually will end up hers exclusivly.

BTW: the paint job on Eleanor isn't as nice as the pictures show. It is very thin and worn out. The paint is very tired, and does need a makeover. The pictures hide allot of sins in the paint and finish on Eleanor. Light colors tend to do that.

I'm with don, I wouldn't mess with that paintjob either. Or do anything faddish to it. Having a daughter about the same age who is ready for a car myself, I would also advise NOT making that her first car. Let her cut her teeth on something more replaceable. Remember high school? and the stuff that happens to cars in the high school lot?
My daughter is an excellent driver for a 14 (almost 15) year old and she wants an old car too but will have to start out with something like maybe a Ranger pickup before I turn her loose in a 67 Mustang. Just sayin... maybe ease her into it, like only drive it with you, then to a special occasion here and there.
If your daughter is going to be driving it, i would avoid painting it flat black until she has a couple of years driving experience under her belt. The light color that it is now will show up in other cars headlights better than flat black.
I'm with WB3 on not giving her this car until she has driven for a while. When my Sons turned 16 we were building Don a 455 tripower Olds convertible, and Dan a VW Cal Look bug with a built 1915 engine. BUT, their daily school driver was a bone stock VW bug until they were almost 18. I remember how I drove when I was 16 and I didn't want them having too much HP until they were a little older. The main thing we have to do as Parents is keep them alive until they are smart enough to do that on their own. :):)

Good points, all..

I'm with WB3 on not giving her this car until she has driven for a while. When my Sons turned 16 we were building Don a 455 tripower Olds convertible, and Dan a VW Cal Look bug with a built 1915 engine. BUT, their daily school driver was a bone stock VW bug until they were almost 18. I remember how I drove when I was 16 and I didn't want them having too much HP until they were a little older. The main thing we have to do as Parents is keep them alive until they are smart enough to do that on their own. :):)


On the flat black, I think that is good ammo to not go flat black. And I agree on all points this not being a first car. That is also why we plan on the VW bug for her as a daily driver. Eleanor will be when she shows she can handle such a big car for one thing, and only special days. As far as appreciated it, she will and does. She always has loved this car and it means the world to her. The refresh of it, is going to be a project for me and her together, but I agree as far as turning the keys over to her too early on the car. It will not be hers to run amuck in for years to come for sure. I should have been more clear on that. But, all in all, it is her car, and has been since she was about 2 years old. I will let her have bragging rights on it when she starts driving, but turning it over to her too soon, is definatly not gonna happen, and all good points for sure..
One thing you could do is distress the existing paint, with a color you like. Then seal it with a satin clearcoat. That wouldn't be too hard and she could drive it while she figures out what she really wants. IMO you should let HER do what she wants. I learned the hard way with my granddaughter. Built her a car like I THOUGHT she wanted, she wasn't so happy with it.
agree, but..

agree about letting her make all the decisions, but at this point, I still have have final word. She has allot of input but as a teenager, may not know or understand why some things can, should or shouldn't be done. Before I we make final decision on anything, I do want to be sure she is on board, and not just settling. She knows the car will eventially be hers exclusivly, and THEN her word is final, but until that day comes, she knows her old man is gonna be a loud voice because she knows the car means allot to me too, and has for many years. This car has history with us both.


This picture isn't the same car (this one is a deluxe coupe), but this was my P15 (same series) and this picture was taken back in 1979. This was the car that started my love for the P15. My current one (Eleanor) I have had for since my daughter was a baby, about 13 years now.
Sounds like you have sound wisdom. Kids can change their minds overnight sometimes but it sounds like she is on track with Eleanor and will stay the course.
My nephew really wanted a VW beetle when he was about 13-14, had to have one so his dad bought a pretty nice one for 4 grand. By the time the kid was old enough to drive he wanted something else and the VW now sits in a shed at the ranch. A couple cars later he has to have a Dodge 4x4 with a 5 speed, pays way too much for an 2000 model, drives it for about 8 months and decides it isn't cool anymore so now it's sitting in the yard and he's driving an 04 Cadillac. I realize not all kids are that way but it is kinda typical of how they can change their minds.
agree about letting her make all the decisions, but at this point, I still have have final word. She has allot of input but as a teenager, may not know or understand why some things can, should or shouldn't be done. Before I we make final decision on anything, I do want to be sure she is on board, and not just settling. She knows the car will eventially be hers exclusivly, and THEN her word is final, but until that day comes, she knows her old man is gonna be a loud voice because she knows the car means allot to me too, and has for many years. This car has history with us both.


This picture isn't the same car (this one is a deluxe coupe), but this was my P15 (same series) and this picture was taken back in 1979. This was the car that started my love for the P15. My current one (Eleanor) I have had for since my daughter was a baby, about 13 years now.
Cool coupe. Didn't they do those in a 3 window business coupe too? With the real long trunk?
promised car

Why don"t you get somebody to photoshop it for you in the flat black and that will probably change her mind.I had 48 Coupe did the 2-tone deal main body was a deep maroon with the fenders gloss black,ran the wide whites and it looked good.:cool:
Yes they did..

Cool coupe. Didn't they do those in a 3 window business coupe too? With the real long trunk?

Yep, the P15 had both coupe models, the Deluxe coupe (had a back seat) and the Buisness coupe (no back seat, shorter cab area, longer trunk area like you said. Then of course the 2 door, and the 4 door sedans, as well as a woody, and ragtop.

I know what you mean about that two tone (black fenders), and yeah, that does look good on fat fenders. That paint style goes back to the Ford Model A, because Ford Model A's came in several colors, but ALL had black fenders and running boards (except special order from utility, or fire depts).

But yeah, fat fenders do look good with black fenders too.
How about a two tone in flat black and red primer? I've saw a few cars done up this way and if done right it looks pretty cool.
Here's my old '50 plymo in satin and red wheels if you want to see what it might look like.

In my opinion, I like the white too. I would paint the wheels red though.


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I like the car the way it is and if it were mine I might change the color. but the car is to nice to go flat black or oxide. but each is his own and I am behind you either way you go. if you deside to get rid of any parts PM me I could use them for mine. I'll try to find some pics of mine in flat black I know I have some around some where.

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