Ya gotta have thick skin I guess!

Rat Rods Rule

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Ha, while we are on the subject, I took my Anglia Ute to a local cruise night. I had an "Anglia Expert" tell me such an animal never existed and my car was homemade. I know better but I couldn't get rid of the guy. He followed me around all night insisting that "there was no such thing". I told him to go home and do some research. The Aussies will back me up on this one ha ha .

Ha, while we are on the subject, I took my Anglia Ute to a local cruise night. I had an "Anglia Expert" tell me such an animal never existed and my car was homemade. I know better but I couldn't get rid of the guy.

You sure you didn't buy that kit the same place I bought mine... Speedway?!? [ddd[ddd[ddd

Dont know about you guys but I use the RRR kit to put mine together..
Love Those Spectators

About ten years ago I drove my son's '27 roadster to a Chevy dealer where I looked at trucks. The roadster has quarter elliptic front springs. When I returned to the '27 a Know-it-all salesman was telling a small group of lookers that the hot rod couldn't be driven. He was telling them that it would "cavitate"!:eek:
I just hopped in it and with a squeel of the tires, a cloud of dust and a hearty "Hi-Ho-Silver", I proved to them that indeed it could be driven. I always wondered how he thought it got there.

I keep losing the directions that come with the kits. That's why my hot rods turn out so funny.[S

At a parking lot show two old guys on one side of my car were ripping on it. On the other side of the car two old guys were talking about how cool it was. So, you win some and you lose some.:)

Gas, Nice home-made Ute!
auto part stores & wrecking yards

l love it when auto part stores & wrecking yards that only use computers tell me;;;"that part'll never work on your'e (insert project name) and the computer only, never heard af a book guy is so dead sure of themselves they'll stand there and argue with ya.:confused:[dr

FINALLY got the autozone & NAPA monkey's trained that when l walk in, just give me what l ask for:D

schucks changed to 0'riellys and has a new staff l now hafta train to just gimme what l ask for:mad:

l know what'll fit, we built it my garage[;)

My usual reply to "Is that a kit car"? is "Kinda. Except i get to use tools and a welder instead of glue".

I once had a guy tell me "Wow. That's really rare. You don't see many of those original bodies around anymore" after i just explained my T-Bucket was a fiberglass car originally built in 1971.

Does anyone know where i can get one of those Angelia Ute kit cars? Maybe JC Whitney?
Well, when I had a Honda 750 in an Amen hardtail frame with a 12" over springer, people would say, "Nice Harley" which I didn't mind, but it would really send the Harley guys into a spin.
I guess I'm lucky...I look like an axe murderer...my neighbors always try to see what I am welding..I am sure they think it's a pipe bomb and I am feverously working on my manifesto..The beggers never ask me for money, girl scouts go on break, and the Jehovia ladies made it half way up my driveway. I looked up from grinding and they turned around and left. I have taken my 61 Cadillac out and people want so badly to ask me but they are afraid of me...So it's kind of a curse...I am a nice guy who had ugly parents.
people dont usually talk to me because I have an "******* presence"<----wife qoute.

But yesterday at work my coworker decided to tell me what a real ratrod was and why I couldnt do the things I wanted to my luv. Kinda set me off pretty good because he isnt even into that stuff et he is going to tell me what it is? I just let it roll off though.
But yesterday at work my coworker decided to tell me what a real ratrod was and why I couldnt do the things I wanted to my luv. Kinda set me off pretty good because he isnt even into that stuff et he is going to tell me what it is? I just let it roll off though.

Dude... MORONS always have to show off their stupidity! Mrs. Tripper & I talk about this quite often! Morons *always* think they are smarter than anyone else & that's what make them so dangerous!!! I'm just sayin'...

Well, when I had a Honda 750 in an Amen hardtail frame with a 12" over springer, people would say, "Nice Harley" which I didn't mind, but it would really send the Harley guys into a spin.


no tellin how many harley riders that would offend -well prob all of 'em [ddd
i love the "idiot stories" does that make me a bad person???

most often heard comment on my truck -what color are you gonna paint it?

"already painted...." gets a deer in the headlight look from most of them....

and i lost the instructions for my ratrod kit -anybody got an extra set? [ddd;)


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