Things we remember,

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
May 11, 2007
fort myers florida
Seeing the cooler chest Blueyedevil has for sale brought back some memories of things we used to see but that have gone by the wayside. Here are a few of mine, please add yours to the list.


Bulk oil.........when I was a kid and worked at gas stations, we would fill up the quart bottles that have those metal pointed spouts on them with oil out of a 55 gallon drum and sell it for 10 cents a quart,

Curb feelers. We had a set on our 48 Buick because my Mom parked by sound. My Dad got tired of scraped up wide whites so he put them on.

Clearance lights under the wheel wells and dashboard. We all bought those 19 cent Pep Boys colored truck clearance lights and installed them so we could impress the guys at the local burger joint and the ones under the dash were for when we would go parking with a date. :D

Mud flaps. Not just used on the old mans car, sometimes we bought the fancy white ones with V emblems and reflectors on them to add to our cars too.

Fake floorshifts. You bolted this shifter to your hump and it was supposed to impress your buddies. A friend of mine put one in his 50 plymouth stick shift and he would have to quickly shift the column shift and then move the fake shifter like it was actually real. [cl

Continental kits, and those Imperial ones that went flat against the trunk lid.

Reverberators and FM convertors. We didn't have fancy FM radios and stereos in the 50's and 60's, but every self righteous car guy had a reverb that gave that echo sound and an FM convertor so you could pickup the cool stations instead of the AM ones your Pop and Mom listened to.

Flock kits. Remember those Flock Kits that put a furry coating over the entire body of your car? First you shot glue all over it then you shot this fuzzy stuff over the entire surface to make your car like a Chia Pet. They were saying it was the coming thing, but I only saw one VW bug done with it and it looked like astroturf. :D

What are some of the things you remember???????

Don't remember the flock kits, (must have been quite a sight), but I do remember a few guys installing record players under the dash. They didn't play worth a hoot! Record players skipped when someone walked across the floor so you can imagine how good they worked in a moving car.:eek: also remember in the early sixties when STP made its appearance. Everyone had one of those stickers on their car somewhere. Wax covered cardboard oil containers were sold at the Atlantic Gas station I worked at. We even checked your oil and washed your windshield no matter how much,.30 cents a gallon gas you purchased!:D
I remember when Coke came in a bottle. A GLASS bottle. (Milk too, and delivered to your door).

Motor oil came in a can. Yeah, a metal can you had to puncture with a sharp pointy object.

From the 70's and 80's,

Static/ground straps. Every "old man" had them dangling from their Cadillac, Lincoln, Olds or big Buick.

Huge whip antennaes and CB radios. 10-4 good buddy.

Custom vans. Complete with fake fur, crushed velvet, shag carpet, bubble windows, sunroofs, bars, home stereos and waterbeds.

Air shocks, N50 tires and body flares. Side exhaust. Mexican dingle-balls hangin' 'round the headliner. Craig Powerplay 8-track and Jensen 6x9's.

Thrush mufflers. 12'' aluminum slots on the rear, 4'' Cragar S/S's on the front. Panel paint or airbrushed murals. Cars with names.

Predator carbs. Velocity stacks. Rock-crusher 4 speeds. 30-30 solid lifter cams. Gear drives. Flex fans. Traction bars. Cowl-mounted gauges.

And the worst idea ever, the Corvette Sportwagon. (Excuse me, while I puke).
Bulk oil.........when I was a kid and worked at gas stations, we would fill up the quart bottles that have those metal pointed spouts on them with oil out of a 55 gallon drum and sell it for 10 cents a quart,

Remember it well!

Curb feelers. We had a set on our 48 Buick because my Mom parked by sound. My Dad got tired of scraped up wide whites so he put them on.

Have 'um on my Ranchero! :eek:

Reverberators and FM convertors.

My buddy's '64 Goat had a reverb unit... man it was kool!!! [cl

Flock kits. Remember those Flock Kits that put a furry coating over the entire body of your car? First you shot glue all over it then you shot this fuzzy stuff over the entire surface to make your car like a Chia Pet. They were saying it was the coming thing, but I only saw one VW bug done with it and it looked like astroturf. :D

Don, those were for Christmas trees! :eek:

When I was in high school gas was 19¢ a gallon at full service stations. Exxon was Esso & several other brands. There were gas wars where they would lower prices for promos. They also gave free glasses & plates after a certain number of fillups. Some stations even gave S&H Greenstamps. They put the pump on automatic & if it stopped on any round # like $10.00 your gas was free. Exxon had a promo about putting a "Tiger in your tank" & gave away these lil Tiger tails that hung out of your gas tank lid.

also remember in the early sixties when STP made its appearance. Everyone had one of those stickers on their car somewhere.

That's because STP was also a hallucinogen that was very popular in the 60's & every self respecting hippie had one of those stickers on their car or van! Yes... vans were all the rage!

Haha, those are terrific. [cl

Does anyone remember Lotta Cola? It was in a bigger bottle than Coke and cost about the same, so it was marketed as being a better value. Lots of vending machines had it in the 50's and 60's but I haven't seen it in years and years.

Oh, and remember the soda pop coolers that you lifted the lid up on and the sodas were in cold water and after you put your dime in the gate released and you could pull your bottle free?

Keep em coming, please. [cl

Yeah I think thats when Pepsi started giving you a bigger bottle for the same price!

Probably not too many on here remember the 6, or 8 (I can't remember for sure) bottle of Coke!!

Chrome reversed rims and pin stripped tape that came on a roll, and of course, fuzzy dice.
And if you were still 14 or 15 years old, a 3 speed bike with metalic paint, whip antennas and white streamers, white mud flaps and reflectors. And dreaming of your first car!!
Probably not too many on here remember the 6, or 8 (I can't remember for sure) bottle of Coke!!


I remember the short bottles of Coke, you could get them at the gas station vending machine for nickel, then the price went up to 7 cents. Also had to pay the 2 cent deposit if you were going to leave with it, or drink it right then and there and leave the bottle.
How about those bomb drills we had in school, where you had to hide under your desk in case the Russians dropped an H Bomb ? Oh yeah, what genius gave us THAT program???? :eek::D:D

Old habits die hard. Last Saturday I was hiding under my desk because the world was supposed to come to an end. :eek::D

Chrome reversed rims and pin stripped tape that came on a roll, and of course, fuzzy dice.
And if you were still 14 or 15 years old, a 3 speed bike with metalic paint, whip antennas and white streamers, white mud flaps and reflectors. And dreaming of your first car!!

Banana seats too!!!
I was around 11,12 or so, (late sixties I think) when our local store got it's first I-CEE machine!!

You would have thought that was the greatest invention of all time!!!
There were lines to get one!!! ha ha
Okay, so I am a young'un compared to some and an old'un compared to others but I remember when I could go to the store with 2 bucks, purchase a coke (in a glass bottle) and a candy bar and still fill the tank on my motorcycle.

I also remember (I am from a small town in Idaho) that the store was also the post office.

How about party lines and rotary phones?

Hi-test gasoline?

My parents had a 1960 something Chevy sportvan with silver faux fur seats and shag carpet. Oh and not to forget the fancy mountain scenery window tint. Almost forgot the blueish wood paneling in the same van.

But most importantly I remember when I could go to NAPA or another parts store and they actually had the parts I needed and they didn't care what vehicle it came from, they looked up what you wanted in a book and figured out what else would work.
i remember when gas was a buck a gallon--lol:D

i don't remember much else..probably too much stp:eek::rolleyes:

seriously tho,
i remember air shocks, shackle kits and deep dish reversed rim cragars...chain link steering wheels (i think mr. bonehead still has one of those) the barefoot gas pedal was a cool feature for all, as was the mini foot dimmer switch...

side pipes and for trucks, the white "wagon spoke wheel" and for those 78-79 ford f series trucks i had a set of smoked headlamp covers...(illegal i'm sure but really cool)

chrome window tint, and don't forget the mural back glass--which i think made somewhat of a comeback
alright i'm good for now, gonna go ride my banana seat bike down to the store/post office and get a nickel's worth of coca cola...;)
Payphones or how about the big black Ma Bell home phone. And T-shirts with cars on 'em.
Oh, and remember the soda pop coolers that you lifted the lid up on and the sodas were in cold water and after you put your dime in the gate released and you could pull your bottle free?


And after hours you could just pop a cap off a bottle still in the machine and
stick a straw in it? :rolleyes:

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