What a great thread! Don't know how I missed this one. Since I graduated in 1977, I remember some things the older guys have posted, like oil in cans, Coke in bottles. Here's a few from my era of the early 70's:
Clackers- two hard plastic balls tied together with a string, object was to pop the balls together without knocking the heck outta yourself! How dumb an idea was that?
Pong- the first video game. Two sliding rectangles on a screen with a square "ball" that bounced back and forth like a tennis ball. Lame as heck, but we thought it was high tech!
Cuffs on bell bottoms.
Polyester pants.
Leisure suits made entirely of polyester. What were we thinking? Hot as heck in the summer, cold as being naked in the winter!
Harness boots. Had to be the ones with two rivets to each harness strap. No zip ups, either, pull on's only!
"Scavenger pipes", three or four foot long CHROME exhaust pipes, had to stick out the back of the car.
Antenna balls, usually with a gas station logo on them. 76 was a favorite around here, as there were very few 76 stations. Mobil flying horse was a close second, practically none of those around here.
8 track under the dash, and a set of those wedge shaped speakers in the rear glass shelf.
Fanta and Nehi orange and grape flavored colas. Both were cheaper than Coke or Pepsi. And cheaper still were the store brands, like Chek Cola. Some were nasty, some were pretty good!
While we're talking drinks, remember Tang, the drink that went to the moon? A powder you mixed with water that was supposed to make orange juice. Never did like that stuff.
Hi-C and Hawaiian Punch in quart cans.