I used the original Duraspark ford electronic ignition system off a 76 mustang II for my 28 ford PU hot rod.
Even though I am an electrical guy with a first class FCC license and 38 years experience with electronics, I got into trouble with this system. Just wanted to pass it on.
It turns out my original duraspark module was bad, but it took me a while to figure it out. First of all, I knew to hook up the red wire in the run mode, but somehow I hooked up the white and it retarded the spark badly. When trying to time it, it was so retarded when I turned the distributor to get the timing mark set it would not run. It also advanced too far and pinged badly with the vacuum advance hooked up to ported or not ported sources.
I was about to pull the timing cover to see if the cam was timed with the crank but found my mistake. My electrical drawing clearly showed the red wire in run mode. I rewired for the white to be hot during crank and the red to pick up in run mode.
Everything was good it seemed, but then it would not crank at times. would not hit a lick. I had to use the white wire to get home one time because it would not hit a lick with the red wire. Next day, cranked just fine and ran on the red wire.
Turns out the module was bad. I used the old module but found out a brand new one was $30 bucks. Installed a new one and presto, no more problems. The dura spark is a good cheap system. I don't invest trillions of dollars in hot rods so expensive systems were out of the question.
Those modules can play games with timing when they go bad. Mine would act different almost every time I drove it. Now it has no issues. New ones are cheap so if you have issues, just put on a new one for cheap.
I highly recommend using the white wire on the I terminal of the sol or using a relay to energize the white wire during cranking. Red wire must be cold in crank and then hot in run. Never both hot at the same time. Using the white wire ******* the timing and the engine will hit immediately with a touch of the starter. If you run with the red wire only, cranking will not be anywhere near as quick. Its a good system, millions were put out there by ford and its DIRT CHEAP.
Even though I am an electrical guy with a first class FCC license and 38 years experience with electronics, I got into trouble with this system. Just wanted to pass it on.
It turns out my original duraspark module was bad, but it took me a while to figure it out. First of all, I knew to hook up the red wire in the run mode, but somehow I hooked up the white and it retarded the spark badly. When trying to time it, it was so retarded when I turned the distributor to get the timing mark set it would not run. It also advanced too far and pinged badly with the vacuum advance hooked up to ported or not ported sources.
I was about to pull the timing cover to see if the cam was timed with the crank but found my mistake. My electrical drawing clearly showed the red wire in run mode. I rewired for the white to be hot during crank and the red to pick up in run mode.
Everything was good it seemed, but then it would not crank at times. would not hit a lick. I had to use the white wire to get home one time because it would not hit a lick with the red wire. Next day, cranked just fine and ran on the red wire.
Turns out the module was bad. I used the old module but found out a brand new one was $30 bucks. Installed a new one and presto, no more problems. The dura spark is a good cheap system. I don't invest trillions of dollars in hot rods so expensive systems were out of the question.
Those modules can play games with timing when they go bad. Mine would act different almost every time I drove it. Now it has no issues. New ones are cheap so if you have issues, just put on a new one for cheap.
I highly recommend using the white wire on the I terminal of the sol or using a relay to energize the white wire during cranking. Red wire must be cold in crank and then hot in run. Never both hot at the same time. Using the white wire ******* the timing and the engine will hit immediately with a touch of the starter. If you run with the red wire only, cranking will not be anywhere near as quick. Its a good system, millions were put out there by ford and its DIRT CHEAP.