dimpled would be stronger than undimpled and with an ironworker or press you certainly could do it. It's not going to happen with a greenlee dimpler that's true your going to need serious dies but I have seen it done on frames.
3/8? most frame channel up to 3/4 ton trucks is 3/16...as a matter of fact...your own ad says 3/16 ah ha! I win! game over lol...no really just kidding
I guess I was pretty hard on you a couple posts up lol sorry nothing personal.
I'm not saying they are poorly engineered and weak, I'm saying I don't like them because I can clearly see that they are heavier than a naked frame. lightening holes are to lighten...and these things are just for looks and make the frame heavier
To me, something done for looks in the style of something done for a technical advantage...but in actuality causes a technical disadvantage... is ghetto... to me...my taste... me saying I think it's ghetto doesn't actually make it ghetto.
I'm not saying I don't like the look, I'm knocking at the way the look is achieved with what I think is lesser industry than used to create the real deal.
Ive seen Lightening holes done this shade tree way by a lot of different guys trying to get the look the top builders get.
You gots the mad skillz and the hax, I know you can do better

i sure the hell can't