Canadian Rust Bucket
For the most part, I have a fairly high tolerance, and a lot of patience for mechanical items and procedures. But today that kind of fizzled away. Here's the poop. Bought a 2005 PT Cruiser from the classified about 2 weeks ago. Had been looking for a project car that can be used as a street version of a 'modified dirt track' car. I have a slant six and manual trans in the corner looking for a home, and the Cruiser was the candidate of choice. Body has the old timey look, and it's still new enough that the body hasn't disintegrated from the winter time salt monsters that reside here in Ontario. In fact, this one has a pretty decent body. To decent in fact. Got to thinking, why not get it mobile and drive it for awhile. I'm not going to start another major project anytime soon, to many irons in the fire right now anyway. I bought this car cheap because it has a broken timing belt, fix that, and wah la, a beater for the next little while. Not only that, it will be licenced, insured, and have a proper ownership when I make it my project car. That alone saves a lot of headaches. Well today is sunny, pretty blue sky and about 45 degrees F, not a bad day at all. Now the first thing I have to ask is who #$@^%?+&%#$@ designed these things? I knew going in that it would likely be a bit of a bear to change out a timing belt since book time is approx 6.5 hours. But come on. You have to be some kind of a shape shifter with an eyeball on the end of your finger just to see what's going on. So after removing a wheel and tire, a bunch of plastic panels, rad support, cross panel, grill, power steering pump, alt, coolant, (refused to open up AC system, just fought my way around it all) I'm down to a big gob of cast iron that is part of the engine mount. Have to get it out of there before I can get the new belt threaded through the pulleys. Tried jacking the engine up, nope, letting it down, nope, push it around with a big bar, nope. Can't get enough clearance no how. Well by 4:30 I've had enough, (started at 9:00) need to clean up and rethink. Well good old Google has revealed I'm not alone, seems to be a bit of a bugaboo with Chrysler products. (I've done a lot of timing belts in my time, but never one of these babies...not looking to do another one either.) So tomorrow I undo the exhaust and loosen up the other mount bolts and give it another try. Apparently the horn button can stay where it is...but then, I'm not real sure about that either. God I'm glad I don't do this for a living anymore.
End of rant.