Tetnis Shots

Rat Rods Rule

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I work construction so yes........but like Don said, sometimes it coincides with a Dr.'s visit. :eek:

I started cutting, puncturing, slicing and burning stuff at an early age, slipped climbing over a fence when I was four and ended up hanging on a rusty nail in my upper arm. :eek: Started breaking bones soon after. :rolleyes:

Once when my daughter was small she was looking at scars on my hands and started counting them, so we took a sharpie and traced all the scars we could find on my arms and hands.....wish I had taken a picture LOL. Might have to do it again sometime.......there are a few new ones since then. :eek: I still consider myself lucky though because I still have all my fingers unlike several folks I know who've worked construction and woodworking like I have...........okay, so the end of one finger is a little flat and doesn't have much feeling :eek:
Just thinking that may be why folks like rust so well. Maybe we have a touch tetnis within us.

I was swaping tranny last night and raked my hand across the bottom of the rusted rocker. It's just a little worse than a paper cut but as sore as to the bone cuts that I have had before. It just got me thinking.
My ex is an RN and she would always push me to keep my tetnus shots fairly current when we were married. I was forever stepping on some board with rusty nails in it and nailing the board to the bottom of my foot.:eek: She said lockjaw is not a pleasant thing. But since she isn't around to bug me on it anymore I kinda let it slip.

If your cut is hurting that bad you might want to go have it looked at, just to be safe.

Best thing to do is pour some Clorox bleach over a cut. Next day, you won't even feel it a bit sore.

Sounds crazy, but it works.
When I wrenched for a living, a guy told me the mineral spirits in the solvent tank raised your white blood cell count and helped to heal cuts faster. I'm not sure if it's true but I do remember cuts healing fast.
So wash em' in the solvent tank and if they're bad enough, seal em' up with super glue.:D
One Thanksgiving while I was dreading going to my sister-in-law's for dinner I was taking stuff off a motor that I was taking out of my truck. Rusted fasteners are always the culprit right? Pulled on the wrench and it slipped off the nut, I opened an nice slice on my wrist from a very rusty bit of sheetmetal. That's when I got my last shot. The ER doctor who sewed me up (in a white shirt, tie, black pants: He was on his way to dinner when he was paged...) said the dinner couldnt be bad enough to slit my wrist. I said "You dont know my sister-in-law." :rolleyes:
said the dinner couldnt be bad enough to slit my wrist. I said "You dont know my sister-in-law." :rolleyes:

One Thanksgiving while I was dreading going to my sister-in-law's for dinner I was taking stuff off a motor that I was taking out of my truck. Rusted fasteners are always the culprit right? Pulled on the wrench and it slipped off the nut, I opened an nice slice on my wrist from a very rusty bit of sheetmetal. That's when I got my last shot. The ER doctor who sewed me up (in a white shirt, tie, black pants: He was on his way to dinner when he was paged...) said the dinner couldnt be bad enough to slit my wrist. I said "You dont know my sister-in-law." :rolleyes:
Dr. Crank X2
My grandmaw was a nurse and would ask if my shots were up to date and I would tell her "I dont mind drinking out of a straw" (lock jaw) LOL
I used to get mine on regular visits for stitches, last got one during Katrina so I'm probably due. On the flip side, wth is tetanus and who ever even knew someone who had it? Maybe it's a mythical condition and the vaccination is really mind control drugs.
"Tetanus can cause problems with breathing and swallowing. Tetanus is extremely painful. As the disease progresses, it can lead to seizures and death. If it travels to the muscles that help children to breathe, tetanus can cause problems very quickly. Studies have shown that children who survive tetanus still have continuing health problems with brain function, including speech and memory."

thumbuddy shood hav tolled mi mudder dat... gnow wear did i put mi beer anned mi strahz? [S

I used to get mine on regular visits for stitches, last got one during Katrina so I'm probably due. On the flip side, wth is tetanus and who ever even knew someone who had it? Maybe it's a mythical condition and the vaccination is really mind control drugs.

Who needs mind control drugs when lock jaw will keep your mouth shut.

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