2nd amendment rant-sorry

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2011
So I think I am going to put a gun rack with my AR15 in my International and see if anyone questions my 2nd amendment rights. When are people going to start questioning why it is OK to have video games that present realistic war images to our youth? I think that will be a good place to start!
That has been my thinking for a long time. Have any of you looked at some of those games ? No wonder kids become desensitized to shooting and killing people if they are glued to the monitor all day, blasting away at the images inside them. They make it "fun" to blow people's brains out.

If I were the parent of a young child today there would be none of those in my house. We were so lucky the worst our kids were ever exposed to were Pac Man.


More killings with baseball bats than guns...

Alcohol doesn't usually kill you either, it's the slow reactions time that killsmfamily's every night...
If guns kill people, why didn't we just send a box of guns to Iraq and keep our troops at home???
Please don't misinterpret what I say for your own agenda..I said a gun 'Can' kill obviously not meaning without someone pulling the trigger even though that happens whereas, a video game cannot harm you as I stated.
So...let me get this straight...

A gun rack...in the back of a vehicle, in which I would assume you'd take to car shows...let alone drive the Dean of your college around on parade day...in which the general public can see...carrying an assault rifle...

Doesn't present a realistic war image to kids???

Sure, the video games are a part of the problem...but who buys this sh*t for these kids? Like the old saying, everytime you point a finger, three point back at you.

Gun control is definitely out of the question. Can't control the kids, how can the guns be controlled?

Baseball bats and hammers...

Odd, I don't remember hearing about mass killings in elementary schools and movie theatres committed by Louisville Slugger wielding morons.
They will never EVER take my guns.


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I mean no offence by this. But when we start parading something around, just because we feel that is our right, we are just start asking for trouble.

I’m with Don. I use to be on the fence about how TV changed young ones perception on life. But I see how it alters my grand kid’s behavior. I now know that TV programs and video games mess with their thought process real bad. If you don’t want a certain type of behavior out of a kid, turn off the **** tube and lead by example.

My problem with gun control is we are just punishing more responsible people then criminals. Look at the joker here in Colorado, it took clear up to last week for the system to decide that there was enough evidence to send him to trial.

The only thing needing controlled is the system; it has gotten out of hand
Americans are the most obese(our children are the fattest they have ever been), obesity creates health issues such as heart attacks which more people die of daily than all gun issues. Now with all that said lets use the same line of thinking...we need to control the sale/ban of forks.
Fork control

I agree, we should limit the number of Tines on forks. And the government should make you register with another agency if you eat fast food more than twice a week or get two orders of large Fries!
Teach your children well.

My son grew up playing all kinds of video games including the graphic war headshot stuff. He also knows the difference between fantasy and reality, right and wrong, good and bad. This coming spring, he will take his firearms safety course and earn his PAL (Possession and Acquisition License). Soon thereafter, I expect him to buy his first real gun. I have absolutely NO issue with this... because I know I raised a responsible boy with good character and values.

Now, if I left him in a room for 20 years with nothing but games and junk food, I'd be dealing with a head detached from reality... full of garbage and disrespect. He would also be functionally and socially illiterate. A healthy mind requires balance... it's not just for engine builders.

Gun control. Our laws are far more strict, but they don't stop violent crime by any stretch of the imagination. The types of weapons are also severely restricted by comparison. A perfectly legal Ruger .22 rifle is a wonderful varmint killer... add a pair of banana clips and you can fill a room with lead. Bad intentions are bad intentions. It's our responsibility as a society to raise good children, the rest will take care of itself.

It says.....

"A well regulated Militia, being NECESSARY to the security of a FREE STATE, the RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"
I have a few originals:

My answer to pierce Morgan's question why do you need an assault rifle..."To hit what I'm shooting at"

Next time your out with your AR15 and someone says "why do you want a military styled weapon" say "It's not a military styled weapon, It's a peace rifle. The military got kinder and gentler and took up civilian arms".

Someone told me "your crazy if you think there are any odds in your favor being armed with your rifles would stop the military from crushing you."
I told him "the odds of 20 year old 160 pound kid in prison stopping a gang from stomping him down is Just as unlikely.
Being dangerous regarding self defense and defense of others has not so much to do with being able to defeat all your enemies and a great deal to do with making them say F%^$ this S&^% [cl."

We didn't have enough Missiles or powerful enough warheads to keep Russia and China from stomping us a new mudhole but what we had did a pretty good job of making them not want to try it.

Capable citizens bearing arms is no guaranty of an ability to checkmate evil.
But it is mutually assured destruction.
And we know that among rational parties who have self interest this works
When the little people have no means of stopping those who would do them harm they can still make it so expensive they would not try.

And I wrapped it up with "Government is not some mythical creature from an island of talking lizards. Government is people. sometimes we are a part of it...
they are people that live with us, that have families, that want the same things we do. regardless how devoutly they believe it might be their place to direct your affairs they are doing what they do for a paycheck so they can enjoy their life.
Cops don't go around breaking in doors unless it;s really necessary because they know there is a risk one of these times there is going to be a shooter that's defending his home.
If this risk did not exist there would be no potential for strong negative consequences leaving only the officers morals as a deterrent against breaking into everyone's house to see if they are "bad people">

Moral deterrents only deter moral people.
But the animals among us?
Even the corrupt and insane want to live and don't want to feel pain.
In the civilized world a gentleman treats another gentleman he is in dispute with as a gentleman
But he treats a dangerous animal like a dangerous animal

So you can turn the strawman around on these gun ban whackoes
"Why are you so worried about banning weapons to keep good people from getting hurt by other good people when violence is the ONLY deterrent respected by the bad people?"

In the absence of any controlling legal authority you cannot rely on the corrupt to police themselves.

I was failing English bad. My last 18 months of high school I had to take triple English classes to get enough credits to graduate.
I learned a lot more than I would have.
One of the simpler things I remember is how to decipher the meaning of a sentence by asking it questions "who what where when why and how"
I learned that in English it is possible you can phrase any statement in such a way it cannot be misinterpreted or could only be misinterpreted by gross illiteracy.
My history teachers told me the 2nd amendment was a malformed hodge podge of ideas.
My English teacher told me the reason it seems confusing is because I lack the literacy to read it correctly.

Because of this I came up with the saying "A lot more of what you think you know as relative is actually black and white...it only appears grey because your vision is out of focus".

On to the second:
Asking it the questions of who what where when why and how, the following arises from the phrase...

The second amendment whether you believe the militia represents the standing army or the citizenry...
It does not answer the question who is the militia but this is unnecessary. the militia is not the primary benefactor of the 2nd amendment.
The citizen is the primary benefactor of the 2nd because in it's purpose it sets a restriction against infringing the free person's rights.
the benefit of this law is for the people
WHO? who benefits? for whom is this law written to protect?

WHY? the reason for this law is because a militia is necessary, and regulating the militia is necessary to the security of a free state.
For the purpose of the 2nd it is not important who constitutes the militia

It is the militia that is intended to be regulated; Why does it need to be regulated and why does there need to be a militia?
For the security of a free state; To what degree?
WELL REGULATED... that means an effective check. not a mild influence or a beggarly grievance procedure but the effective means to arrest and regulate any offense of institution against the laws of the land.
The power to bring the elect and those they employ to trial if necessary

How is the 2nd amendment check to power or regulation of the Militia to be accomplished?
By the people being secure in their rights to keep and bear arms sufficient to regulate both the volunteer militia, the mercenaries or the standing army.

The reason for the second amendment still standing is not because the founding fathers hollared it out so loud and with so much power that government simply has been unable to break it.
It still stands because we like it, and we believe in it, because we respect those who came before us who believed in it and because the people who will come after us might not just believe in it but might need it to save some lives or to save all life on earth.
300 million rifles could not end life on earth but they can prevent the wrong guy with the wrong gadget or experiments, or industrial process from ending all life on earth.

and mostly it still stands because every time a public servant has approached the second amendment to mess with it...they have observed in their minds eye the cycling of the bolt and the sound of the brass entering the breech of a gun they are not holding.
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"and mostly it still stands because every time a public servant has approached the second amendment to mess with it...they have observed in their minds eye the cycling of the bolt and the sound of the brass entering the breech of a gun they are not holding. "

to quote myself....

I was reflecting on what I wrote up there ^
And it occurred to me that perhaps the Aura of mental instability that radiates from those who want to ban guns could be a result from the stress of fully knowing the futility and the folly and the consequences of what they are embarking on.
Compare the gun ban activist or zealot to an alcoholic.
He knows that what he is about to do is wrong for him and every one around him , he knows how it is going to end but he WANTS that drink.
2nd Amendment Man coming to your State Capital 2/8/13

Timothy James McVeigh killed 168 people and injured over 800 using Fertilizer, our Government didn't put a BAN on Ferilizer,...that's right because Washington is full of BS!!
"A well regulated Militia, being NECESSARY to the security of a FREE STATE, the RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"

They weren't thinking about sport hunting when they penned that, and target shooting wasn't even a consideration. It was about a well regulated militia.
I don't want more gun control either but in reality, my life won't change one bit if I can't own an assault weapon. I have maybe a dozen guns, not one semi-auto. We learned to make one shot count when my dad taught us. My brother and I both got a single shot 22 for our first gun.
BTW, my brother still has a 30-06, his first deer rifle. that he ordered off the back page of NRA magazine for less than $10 and they sent it right to the house. He was 12.

I know a lot of you guys have tactical guns like AR-15s. Maybe you can enlighten those of us that see no practical need of such a weapon other than fanning through a bunch of ammo. (BTW, I still believe in your privilage to own one)
2nd Amendment Man coming to your State Capital 2/8/13

I do not own an assault weapon nor do I want one, but I believe in the 2 amendment, I have to stop and ask myself "what's next our 1st amendment rights"

Here's some humor, you can look at it this way there's no practical need to have a Big Block in my rat other than to be burning up a bunch of fuel. Remember this isn't about guns, it's about OUR RIGHTS!!!!!!!

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