Teach your children well.
My son grew up playing all kinds of video games including the graphic war headshot stuff. He also knows the difference between fantasy and reality, right and wrong, good and bad. This coming spring, he will take his firearms safety course and earn his PAL (Possession and Acquisition License). Soon thereafter, I expect him to buy his first real gun. I have absolutely NO issue with this... because I know I raised a responsible boy with good character and values.
Now, if I left him in a room for 20 years with nothing but games and junk food, I'd be dealing with a head detached from reality... full of garbage and disrespect. He would also be functionally and socially illiterate. A healthy mind requires balance... it's not just for engine builders.
Gun control. Our laws are far more strict, but they don't stop violent crime by any stretch of the imagination. The types of weapons are also severely restricted by comparison. A perfectly legal Ruger .22 rifle is a wonderful varmint killer... add a pair of banana clips and you can fill a room with lead. Bad intentions are bad intentions. It's our responsibility as a society to raise good children, the rest will take care of itself.