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Rat Rods Rule

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Fascinated by rolling objects!
Jul 8, 2007
Rimrock AZ
...Two or three times a week i drive an end dump west on US 60 on my way to Yuma. 45 miles east of Quartzsite is a tiny town called Wenden. Big farms there with water from somewhere.
...I have been trying to remember to slow down when i go thru so i can stop and look at some 40's trucks and 50's cars that are sitting around a metal farm building just off the road. Today i got stopped, and started looking thru the fence. A friendly woman came out of a snowbird trailer and i asked if anything was for sale. She said the old fellow that owned them was never going let anything go but she took me inside to where THE GOOD STUFF WAS STASHED!
...The first room had 3 sixteen cylinder Caddys covered in dust with complete original paint and interiors. A coupe and two sedans. One of the sedans had 4600 chauffeur driven miles! The next room had a 20's buick sedan. 20's Chevy roadster and another roadster i couldn't identify.
... The last room had a '57 Chevy, a 40's Chrysler, a 20's Willys-Knight with an unbelievably rare third headlight option, AND ANOTHER 16 CYLINDER CADDY! This monster was the original stretch limo. You would have to get up and walk from the back seat to the front. That's 4 Caddys for a total of 64 cylinders. :eek:
...Back outside where i couldn't see from the road under a roof was a 20's Hudson roadster and a couple more i can't remember. Everything here was covered in dust, hadn't moved in years and won't until the old pack rat dies.
But it was a thrill to just to look at it and dream. :D
I look around everywhere I go, fortunately you will never find that kind of gold anywhere around here.

Good thing I don't live out there my yard would be more of a parking lot.
Wow E-Man! That was a rare opportunity. Got to be pretty exciting to see that "stash".

Sorry I missed your TV appearance.

I was thinking, a pretty good reality TV show could be produced by going to a handful of RRR's most colorful and/or most creative builders. Throw in a house, a chicken yard & and a mess of automatic weapons for good measure. Lead in and out of each segment with Zombie Cats. A million dollar idea, eh?
Wow E-Man! That was a rare opportunity. Got to be pretty exciting to see that "stash".

Sorry I missed your TV appearance.

I was thinking, a pretty good reality TV show could be produced by going to a handful of RRR's most colorful and/or most creative builders. Throw in a house, a chicken yard & and a mess of automatic weapons for good measure. Lead in and out of each segment with Zombie Cats. A million dollar idea, eh?

Gotta be talking about Tripper's new place Bob. :D

The TV appearance Ronny was referring to must have been that time i auditioned for AGT
singing Ave Maria in Italian. :rolleyes:
It was on an opening clip for a show called Bar Hunters ..... they were shooting in Tempe and got a shot of you in your A , you waved as you drove past
That had to be fun!

Thanks for including us in on your little adventure E-man.

I typed in "sixteen cylinder cadillac" & clicked on the image of the 30's car & found some great reading on the history of these cars. Quite a few pictures along with the story.

Thanks again!
Thanks for including us in on your little adventure E-man.

I typed in "sixteen cylinder cadillac" & clicked on the image of the 30's car & found some great reading on the history of these cars. Quite a few pictures along with the story.

Thanks again!

I love the big headlight cars and these babies have them. :cool:
I have had the chance to visit a few vehicle horders as well yesterday I visited a guy that is to the point of no return health failing and realizing these "projects" in the back were not going to get done and has now decided to clear some of them out before they return to the earth lol.
I have had the chance to visit a few vehicle horders as well yesterday I visited a guy that is to the point of no return health failing and realizing these "projects" in the back were not going to get done and has now decided to clear some of them out before they return to the earth lol.

Where were these located '31?

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