Fascinated by rolling objects!
I bought a 52 Chevy COE...[dr
Whoa! Backup here. Inquiring noses want to be in this business. Much more info please Jfg.
I bought a 52 Chevy COE...[dr
Whoa! Backup here. Inquiring noses want to be in this business. Much more info please Jfg.
I've always thought using a 1-wire alternator and an HEI disributor works well and really cleans up the well too.
small foot I messed up ... I always said throw the points out and get the HEI ,, well I was going the (cheaper ) way out ,,, so I thought ,,, some times the points work , next second no spark .. IDK.. If this new one fixs my problem Im gonna throw the points one in the junk pile thats for sure. we will see tomorrow evening if its not cold out
YT, if that's a factory type coil, they are not meant to have 12 volts connected to them. You can hook 12 volts to a MSD coil with no problems but if hooking to a factory points style ignition a ballast resister is need then.... Ive come to the conclusion something isnt right in the distributor ,, it fires sometimes and then quits.. then all good then skips when you do get it fired up , then good then quits ... no fire out of the coil wire and has fire to and from the coil (12volts) ... Im tired of tinkering with it so I ordered an electronic today . could be the condenser & points but I wanted electronic any way so .. its coming out,, Most likely this is the reason some one took it out in the first place [S
I was thinking it sounded like a coil problem too. Although, I ran one on 12 volts for over a year, not knowing any better. It burned up points fast, but ran fine. Probably just beginner's luck.YT, if that's a factory type coil, they are not meant to have 12 volts connected to them. You can hook 12 volts to a MSD coil with no problems.
You're supposed to put a ballast resister inline to reduce it to 8 volts.
Maybe it's kicking out because of over heating.
Never the less when you change out to an electronic distributer the coil part will be eliminated.
I was pretty surprised because the fruit of my pork loin all have ADD! [ddd[ddd