Can we get a couple pics of the shop. The lights at 4 feet up the wall are an interesting idea. What else is going on? Please?
The car, somehow, makes it into every shot and I don't have any good pics of the shop.
It's 30' deep x 26' wide - 12' ceiling, wired, insulated and heated. They extra height is to accommodate a (possible) future lift. It houses the common stuff a guy needs to build a car at home, tools, air compressor and a welder (or three, if I drag a couple of mine over there). Otherwise, its boring as any garage.
Sorry, the lights... I built a similar shop a few years previous and discussed the project with Btard. I have a lift and when I have a car pressed to the roof, it darkens the space considerably. I wired for a strip of lamps at the same height, but still haven't installed any. He did and lift or no lift, we use them every time we work on the car. They make a big difference, as they're so much closer to the actual work... that, and our eyes aren't getting any better. [
As a side note Doc, I heard a rumor that Mr. Bedford is moving back to your neck of the woods.
I've heard the same. He, Btard and myself are mutual good friends and it'll be nice to have him "home", if it happens. (I'm sure some of your community will think they've gone deaf... you know, without the constant voice.

Torchie: I have a terrible sense of smell, so it takes a while for me to catch on. (Could be related to the lack of blood and oxygen reaching my brain.)
Great gif there, forbig. [cl