New carport build

Rat Rods Rule

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And we almost have a roof now! I have three more sheets to hang, but need four. I somehow misfigured the coverage and are a sheet short. Left the headers long in case I wanted to extend it in the back farther, so if I do that, will need about three more sheets. Has been hot as heck climbing up and down the ladders and manhandling the sheets, but got a lot of progress done this weekend. Wife got to use it last night, she went and got us supper and it was raining when she got back, so she just whipped right in and didn't have to get wet coming into the house, she was tickled to say the least! I figure about one more weekend and I'll have the top on, then I can do a final inside cleaning and get a load of rock. Sorry for the slightly fuzzy pics, humidity is super high and the camera lens was fogging up as soon as I took it outside.

DSCF1247 by Bobby Atkins, on Flickr
DSCF1248 by Bobby Atkins, on Flickr
DSCF1249 by Bobby Atkins, on Flickr
DSCF1250 by Bobby Atkins, on Flickr
Did you have to deal with inspections or building codes where you live?
The only thing i can do on my own beside concrete slabs is a maximum 10x12 shed. :(
Did you have to deal with inspections or building codes where you live?
The only thing i can do on my own beside concrete slabs is a 10x12 shed. :(

That's why I moved where I did... no inspectors & no inspections! There's only one inspection here... for a septic system but that's it! In Houston it took me 4 months to get permits (just permits) to build a carport (no elec) & another 3 months to finish building because of inspections... ridiculous!!! Shouldn't have taken over a month total! Had to have detailed plans etc. Here... you just do what you want... when you want!

Your carport's lookin' good Bama! Always nice to have your stuff outta the weather!

Did you have to deal with inspections or building codes where you live?
The only thing i can do on my own beside concrete slabs is a maximum 10x12 shed. :(

Nope, I'm out in the county, outside of the city limits. Like Tripper said, only inspections are for sewer.

The next county close to me you can't build a dog house without a permit and site inspection!
Quite an accomplishment in our heat and humidity. Lookin good, Bamamav

yes it was hot this weekend in jasper. where you at charlie?

bama i didn't see you at the mall the other day. i've gotten with one of my masonic brothers and dragging my junk to his place, hope to start taking pics before long. he had a medical problem and it has slowed us but he needs to get better. more on what we are doing later. your carport is looking good, wish i could say that about my shop.
In Houston it took me 4 months to get permits (just permits) to build a carport (no elec) & another 3 months to finish building because of inspections... ridiculous!!! Shouldn't have taken over a month total! Had to have detailed plans etc. Here... you just do what you want... when you want!

The one thing that strikes me most about Houston is the apparent lack of zoning. Industrial across the street from residential and commercial on the other side. Up here, you'll never see that. It's funny there are so many hoops to jump through to build something on your own property but they don't seem to have much in the way for zoning regulations.
The one thing that strikes me most about Houston is the apparent lack of zoning. Industrial across the street from residential and commercial on the other side. Up here, you'll never see that. It's funny there are so many hoops to jump through to build something on your own property but they don't seem to have much in the way for zoning regulations.

i've never known it any other way, and some of it really stinks too.
i've never known it any other way, and some of it really stinks too.

One of the facilities I used to visit in Houston was a facility where my company re-lined steel tubes with rubber for progressive cavity pumps. The first step in the process was to "burn" the old rubber out of the tubes, essentially by heating it up so that it off-gassed and broke down the adhesive. You can imagine the smell from heating up hi-grade industrial rubber.

What amazed me about the location of the plant is that there's a short stretch of industrial buildings on the street where it is, and behind the building is a big residential neighborhood and behind the buildings across the street is a big residential neighborhood.
had some family that lived in deer park, we went over there and the first thing i asked is what stinks. his answer was i don't smell nothing. he came home with us for a couple weeks and when he went home he said it does stink around here. i'll bet you there are schools close to them too.
bama i didn't see you at the mall the other day.

Odie, we haven't been to Jasper this year. We went to Tupelo for a Friday/Saturday get away, but we haven't made any other shows or cruise ins this year. Heck, I didn't even go to Berry this time. It's so hard to find a sitter for the grandson we haven't been able to get out and go like we used to. We sure can't take him anywhere like that. We might try to go on the 4th of July weekend, but no promises there, either. I like the little Firebird we have, but it's just not comfortable to me. Hope to get my car going by the fall if I can get this carport finished soon.
Odie, we haven't been to Jasper this year. We went to Tupelo for a Friday/Saturday get away, but we haven't made any other shows or cruise ins this year. Heck, I didn't even go to Berry this time. It's so hard to find a sitter for the grandson we haven't been able to get out and go like we used to. We sure can't take him anywhere like that. We might try to go on the 4th of July weekend, but no promises there, either. I like the little Firebird we have, but it's just not comfortable to me. Hope to get my car going by the fall if I can get this carport finished soon.

how old is the young one? we raised our grand kids so i know how it works. grandson is 18 and out of school, but is going to be told he needs to find himself a job. i'm giving him till the weekend before i tell him. right now he's being a night owl, and it's time to grow up. i bet it ****es him off. anybody wanna bet?

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