forbigpicture Please stand by....... Joined Mar 7, 2014 Messages 6,847 Location West by God Virginia Mar 27, 2020 #1 A good friend brought me some scrap I made him a work table for his garage...Hope he likes it, we're both pretty tall and like me he wanted something he didn't have to bend over to work on stuff....
A good friend brought me some scrap I made him a work table for his garage...Hope he likes it, we're both pretty tall and like me he wanted something he didn't have to bend over to work on stuff....
lowbudget50 Creators of all things awesome Joined Sep 23, 2012 Messages 6,171 Mar 27, 2020 #2 A good work table is a necessity!! Good job!!!
DozerII Well-known member Joined Sep 4, 2015 Messages 4,793 Location Saskatchewan Can. Mar 27, 2020 #3 Looks like it should work well. Nice job FBP
I-R-POPS ''Rusty Mopar Slacker'' Joined Aug 24, 2012 Messages 4,271 Location Tome, New Mexico Mar 27, 2020 #4 His scrap metal looks brand new.. That will do the job! It needs something on the bottom so you can pile a bunch of crap on it. Last edited: Mar 28, 2020
His scrap metal looks brand new.. That will do the job! It needs something on the bottom so you can pile a bunch of crap on it.
Old Iron Well-known member Joined May 19, 2011 Messages 15,474 Location Willard Mo. Mar 27, 2020 #5 [cl[cl[cl
Dr Crankenstein Rocket Surgeon Joined Mar 12, 2011 Messages 8,000 Location SK CAN Mar 28, 2020 #6 forbigpicture said: we're both pretty tall and like me he wanted something he didn't have to bend over to work on stuff.... Click to expand... I hear that! Short people got, no reason... short people got, no love for my workbench, either. No offense to our short members, strictly humour! .
forbigpicture said: we're both pretty tall and like me he wanted something he didn't have to bend over to work on stuff.... Click to expand... I hear that! Short people got, no reason... short people got, no love for my workbench, either. No offense to our short members, strictly humour! .
forbigpicture Please stand by....... Joined Mar 7, 2014 Messages 6,847 Location West by God Virginia Mar 28, 2020 #7 Thanks guy's...