Catch of the day

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2018
So for over a year I am hearing this critter or something waking me in the middle of the night in the wall of my bedroom by my bed.

Enter the great hunter 'Rambo' , a large Maine Coon/Norwegian Forester who for the past week or two has been leaving gifts for me by my truck, over a dozen mice. The other day I find this...and guess more wall noises.

Rambo posing with his favorite truck, and his catch:


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We had a rat in the house last year. Put traps out, inside and outside, and called my termite/exterminator guy. After a couple days I found him outside in my trap. Yesterday my Wife texts me that she saw a mouse upstairs. Traps out. Hoping for a quick catch. I really hate rodents. Jim
We had a rat in the house last year. Put traps out, inside and outside, and called my termite/exterminator guy. After a couple days I found him outside in my trap. Yesterday my Wife texts me that she saw a mouse upstairs. Traps out. Hoping for a quick catch. I really hate rodents. Jim

I had the whole house tented for termites last year, thought for sure that it took care of this roomate....2 days later it was back.

A few years back I noticed another of my cats staring under the refrigerator. Came home later found a dead mouse by the refrigerator.

Maybe get yourself a cat? Norwegians are notable for their hunting.
Haha! We have a predator on the farm too. We call him Big Boi & he is constantly leaving "presents" on our porch... usually half eaten! Here he is walking with our dog! He has about a 50 acre range & is on the hunt 24/7! If you ever need some fresh gopher meat... Big Boi can hook you up!



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We didn't have mice where we lived in Brazil - just rats. There was one that was living under the kitchen cabinet, and the trap would always be tripped that we put right in front of the hole. I had already patched the hole in the metal screen where it was getting in - it just chewed another hole in the screen. So I finally just did what the Indians would do - squatted there on the kitchen floor in the dark, and waited, with a stick. When it came across the floor I started whacking it. It ran across the floor and up the wall behind the living room window curtain - me running behind, still whacking it. Then it tried to make for the hole in the kitchen window screen, but the whacking took effect in the middle of the kitchen floor. My stick was broken down to almost nothing, and there was blood all over the floor, but that was the end of that rat. Then my wife came from the bedroom, to see what all the racket was about...... (It was along about midnight or so.)
Holy crap Tripper that is a Big Bo!

And Neto, that is a funny story, I can just picture me doing the same.

As of this writing just today, I found a mutilated mouse by, you guessed it...the tailgate of my truck.

One time years ago my daughters and friends were sitting on the couch in the living room, and all of a sudden I hear these screams for 'dad"...that would be me.

They were alerted by my Shepherd Husky mix running around the sofa trying to get at something under the couch. Teenage girls were huddled in the corner as I moved the couch. Sure enough a blur runs into the laundry room with dog close behind.

Later investigation showed that an unused back door behind a cabinet had this nice rat shaped hole in it. "Dad" got a piece of wood and nailed it to said door.

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