Well-known member
Coming along Bob, yup the site has been doing some strange stuff as of late. [P[P
Pics for the previous post. Still not accepting my pics. Same security token missing notification.
I just switched from Internet Explorer to Google with the same result. Help???
Still picking away at it. Been below zero most days so the garage is a bit cool.
First two pics show the trailing arm mocked up. I wanted to use the original forgings for the front mounts but they were too wallowed out. I found the gold mounts in my stack of stuff.
The next two pics show how I'll mount the coil springs to the rear axle. I've ordered some shorter, wider springs with a 125 lb. spring rate. I couldn't find 4" O.D. springs anywhere. Will require some mods to the chrome lower mounts for the larger springs. I did make an inch and a half height adjustment in the mounts.
Will probably have to "C" notch the frame.
Little at a time will get it done [cl
I here you about cold bones. I have two double head portable heaters that won’t quite warm this big ass shop warm enough
Thinking about a big hanging furnace for mine.[S
This is a deep chested frame, couper. I'll only box it in high stress areas.Nice Bob! Are you going to box the frame in at all?
This is a deep chested frame, couper. I'll only box it in high stress areas.
Spent a lot of time with my trusty angle grinder and a cut off wheel. All out of 1/8" plate. Circles for the lower mounts, to fit the larger 5" diameter springs. 4" o.d. tube to center the springs, Boxing plates where the upper mounts will attach to the frame. Upper mounts with more centering tube. And yes, there will be gussets.
Editorial comment: In the Poetry Thread smallfoot said that I build mainly to build. Exactly right. That means what I show on my build threads isn't the best, the strongest or the most attractive way to do things. I do it my way to use available materials, my limited tool selection and my diminishing capabilities. Main thing, I have fun.