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Starting a build thread here.
Howdy hello hola
I bought this truck from my dad who bought it from his best friends uncle in Baja when I was a kid. He started working on it but it fell to the wayside as his health declined and life got in the way. Fast forward to 2018 after several years of mentioning I wanted it he called me and asked if I was still interested. He had multiple offers from door knocking folks. I told him I was and cut him a check. 2000 bucks later I owned a truck. Fast forward again to October 2024 two babies and two houses later I finally got my truck to my house and started working on it.
Cleaned the cab of rats nest and so my kids could sit inside.
Finally started in on my suspension and axle flipped the rear.
After trying to flip the rear leaf spring hanger I found out that the stock hanger wouldn’t work upside down. The leaf hit the side. Broken hearted I put it back in a stock configuration and bolted it on with grade 8 bolts.
Moved to the front. And trying to decide which route to go. I’d like stay low budget and just remove leaves or axle flip for now but I’m not so sure. I redid the leaf pack from 1-2-3-4-5-6 to 6-4-3-5-1-2 this raised the axle about two inches so I’m curious about how it will look when I complete the other side.
After tonight I’ll post results from the experiment. I’d imagine it’ll ride stiff? But sit low.
That’s all for now
Hasta la proxima