Recent content by earthman

Rat Rods Rule

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  1. earthman

    just some fun pix

    Mav did you get thru the hurricanes alright?
  2. earthman

    just some fun pix

    history lesson
  3. earthman

    Not the way a Sunday should go!

    I got a couple of those calls from my two sons. I had tried to impress on them early on to just try to get thru their teenage years without getting into something they would regret for the rest of their lives.
  4. earthman


    Dr e-man says our bodies naturally make sugar to burn in our muscles. If we don't burn it thru activity and if our muscles aren't toned to use it anyway there's the problem. I was told i was pre diabetic but luckily i like to walk, think about rat rods and listen to music. Now i pace thru the...
  5. earthman

    '65 4 door Skylark driver

    Allways liked these little Buicks. Good work on the upgrades and keeping the "as found" character.
  6. earthman

    1934 Ford 5 window Coupe Hot Rod

  7. earthman

    Passed my maiden test ride with flying colors.

    Well done! It's well timed for crusin' weather done there too.
  8. earthman

    What up everybody?

    Counting your blessings puts you in the right frame of mind to heal 26. We will want to know how it's going anytime you want to share.
  9. earthman

    Big Block Bantam

    I love this thing
  10. earthman

    1946 gmc

    persistence perseverance and patience. What else. Good work Sno
  11. earthman

    56 Stude fender skirts

    Agree with the previous opinions and add that whitewalls are necessary
  12. earthman

    Utah Car Show Carmel Mountain Gold.

    The real America you don't hear about. Thanks Hans
  13. earthman

    whole lotta hotrods

    More fun to look at than street rods but still very little originality. How many black wheels and dog dish hubcaps until you get bored.
  14. earthman

    Central Cali

    Welcome. Quiet here on the weekends.
  15. earthman

    whole lotta hotrods
