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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. soltz

    My 40 Dodge Truck Build - Maybe a 41 LOL

    Looking nice!!![cl The polished covers will look great[P
  2. soltz

    new to me daily

    Very nice [cl Your moving right along [P
  3. soltz

    1959 GMC Fleetside

    Sorry about the knee trouble :o The bed side looks great[cl
  4. soltz

    My bronco has been taken over!!!

    Way Cool [cl
  5. soltz

    1959 GMC Fleetside

    Nice prodget[cl I like the rear side about. 2/3s of the front [S Waiting [P
  6. soltz

    just some fun pix

    That will make you think [S
  7. soltz

    1930 Dodge truck, not a Fargo

    It’s a good start, that’ll give you something to do in your spare time [cl [;)
  8. soltz

    Prostate Out!

    [cl[cl Good news !!! Glad to hear it [cl
  9. soltz

    just some fun pix

    fbp [cl
  10. soltz

    Model A Pickup just another build !

    Looks like an enjoyable week [cl
  11. soltz

    Feeling Stress?

    My grandpa told me about 70 yrs ago “Remember you can only change things that you control so don’t try to change the things you don’t “ Now I’m the grandpa [S
  12. soltz

    70' W500 Dodge

    Coming along nicely [cl next ??[P??
  13. soltz

    How's your weather????

    Fall in New Mexico, love it [cl
  14. soltz


    What bob w said D x 2[cl
  15. soltz


    Wife and I just got out first shot, plus shingles. Nether of us had simtums [cl Good thoughts to any that do!
  16. soltz

    Prostate Out!

    Glad your doing well [cl Thoughts for a quick recovery:D
  17. soltz

    Lucky Classifieds Find!

    Good find !! Thanks dad [cl
  18. soltz

    Every Kid's Dream

    Good score [cl <<[P>>
  19. soltz

    VW photo thread!!!

    Be Safe!!! Have good ride [cl Pix you know [S
  20. soltz

    Social Media

    I have FB and Instagram for family and close friends only. The only social media I use is this one. And thanks for that to everyone here.