When I was trucking , I always had FOX news or some talk radio station on. If I wasn't listening to that, I was on XM Radio Classics, radio programs from before TV took over. Now that I'm retired, I seldom watch TV news, almost never turn the radio on, and read a little on the web.
I figured out, no matter how I felt or what I did, I couldn't do anything about 99.9% of what was considered news. I don't let stuff get me down that I have no control over. Like Gene said, stuff has always went on, many times we never knew about it. I don't vote in nomination races, I wait until the general elections to put in my say. I don't get bent out of shape when obvious crookedly behavior goes on, I feel like what goes down comes back to bite you in the tail.
There have always been wars, and always will be. Man is the stupidest animal on the planet , no other animal soils it's own nest like man does, no other animal misleads others like it to achieve power. There has always been the haves and have nots, the rich and the poor, there is no such thing as a level playing field, every person and their abilities are different. To take from one to give to another is theft and achieves nothing.
One more thing before I say too much, common sense is not very common anymore. Those with agendas push their desires on others without regards to common sense that many times what they are pushing will not work. Book sense is great if you have common sense to guide your use of it, without common sense you are an educated idiot. Those that blindly believe science fall into that category.
I better hush...