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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. Blue Eyed Devil

    Idea for a build. E150 to Rat Rod???

    It is. That old stabbin' cabin has no real use other than living down by the river...
  2. Blue Eyed Devil

    How does this suspension work?

    "dics break all around" Maybe he is giving an accurate description... [S
  3. Blue Eyed Devil


    Looked like there were some pretty good cars in the normal sea of garbage that is Columbus GG. I think I might actually go next time, been 7 or 8 years...
  4. Blue Eyed Devil

    Crazy stuff on Craig's List, eBay etc!!!

    "Starting at" are the key words there. That's usually the one that looks like it got ran over by a tractor. ;)
  5. Blue Eyed Devil

    42 chevrolet ratrod

    Step 1: GET A TITLE. Stop everything right now and secure proper paperwork before you drop another dollar. Lots of real sad folks out there who have spent untold amounts of time and money only to find out they have no way to actually drive it legally...
  6. Blue Eyed Devil

    Ck this leadsled Riv on daBay!

    Frank DeRosa. This one is actually pretty cool to me. Most of the stuff he builds is just way too over the top for my taste. He's responsible for that "shark" monstrosity... :eek:
  7. Blue Eyed Devil

    Fuel Line Insulate Question

    If there was any truth to it there would be thousands of cars spontaneously combusting every day. Not sure what credibility "the guy on the F150 board" carries, but I'll go with real world experience over armchair quarterbacking anyday. Steel line is far stronger than any PVC, and they make...
  8. Blue Eyed Devil

    Fuel Line Insulate Question

    Ditch all that stuff and reroute it with hard lines and rubber connections. Done.
  9. Blue Eyed Devil

    Fuel Line Insulate Question

    No offense to anyone's ideas, but most of these are band-aids at best. In the pic it looks like there is all kinds of room there. If you want to "do things right even if takes extra time", then do it right and reroute the line. No more worries...
  10. Blue Eyed Devil

    Spark plugs?

  11. Blue Eyed Devil

    A Little Miffed

    Letting someone's opinion get to you that much is kinda silly IMO, yet alone letting it dictate what you want to do in the future. Regardless, I never understood the attraction of sitting in a parking lot anyway. It's mostly a "look at me" fest, and certainly not somewhere to be if your good...
  12. Blue Eyed Devil


    Catch me after a few oat sodas and we might have a deal! ;)
  13. Blue Eyed Devil


    It's not. Pass.
  14. Blue Eyed Devil


    The point is there are far too many variables to give anything other than the honest answer - It's worth what someone is willing to pay for it. At this point without a title it's not even a car. It's a rough pile of parts that aren't very nice, rare or desirable. I wouldn't value it over...
  15. Blue Eyed Devil


    I have a piece of string. How long is it?
  16. Blue Eyed Devil

    S10 Frame under Model A Sedan

    ...and this is why you were missed. [cl Perfectly said Don, and sage words. You can lead a horse to water...
  17. Blue Eyed Devil

    S10 Frame under Model A Sedan

    NONE. Please stop now...
  18. Blue Eyed Devil

    Alignment specs...use Camaro for subframe, or car it's under?

    Here is where we're going to have a rare disagreement Doc. A pallet of books isn't necessary. Alignment is alignment, and in the technical age we live in, "ancient" is irrelevant. It's setting caster camber and toe, not timing a V-16 Duesenberg. Regardless there is close to unlimited...