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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. rustbucket49

    Well Fellas, Here She Is!!!

    That is a very sweet ride. Great job - nicely done !!!
  2. rustbucket49

    Setting Pinion Angle

    That's what I want too, but the way the stock front crossmember is set and the way the Walton tranny cross member is configured, it looks to me that it is impossible to get a flat or up angle on the tranny tailshaft.
  3. rustbucket49

    Setting Pinion Angle

    I checked the intake and I'm off a little anyway. I think the formula is right, but the fact that I am STARTING at a -8 deg on tailshaft is not good - the angle needed to get to the correct pinion angle would not be good.... I need to pick up the rear of the tranny a bit and drop the front of...
  4. rustbucket49

    Setting Pinion Angle

    I found another post that shows a diagram.... check this out - I think I'm screwed and need to re-set the motor and tranny.... #$@!!%^#$@!!
  5. rustbucket49

    Setting Pinion Angle

    Gearhead, so correct me if I'm wrong - pinion angle is calculated by subtracting the angle of the tailshaft at the tranny from the angle of the pinion flange on the differential, right?? So if I'm at a -8 degrees at tailshaft and i set the differential at +5 deg, then my pinion angle is a -3...
  6. rustbucket49

    Setting Pinion Angle

    I did a search on pinion angle and didn't find an answer to my question, hence a new thread.... I have the car up on jack stands such that the body appears to be level on the stands (when measured on the top of the rocker panel... just to give me a zero reference). When I check the tailshaft...
  7. rustbucket49

    What Did Ya Get Done This Weekend?

    My weekend started last Thursday. My son's baseball team won state semi-final game Thursday and played in state championship Friday. Unfortunately they lost. Saturday morning I painted firewall on my '49. Then went to 2 baseball games on Saturday afternoon where my son plays on another...
  8. rustbucket49

    Rustbucket49's 1949 Chevy Build

    Firewall paint Firewall smoothed out, primed and ready for color....
  9. rustbucket49

    Rustbucket49's 1949 Chevy Build

    New tool - bending brake Pic of new tool I made.....
  10. rustbucket49

    Rustbucket49's 1949 Chevy Build

    Finally got the sled out of the garage for a cleaning session. Here is a profile shot after the lid pancake. Not quite apples to apples angles, but first is before shot w/ bulbous arse and next 2 are after pancake
  11. rustbucket49

    A cryin' shame....

    Yep, real pi$$er. Same thing w/ the Model A we have on our place. The family drug it out of a barn about 40 years ago so it would sit there and rot to the ground. Sad......
  12. rustbucket49

    Garage cleaning day

    Wait, you're going from the black one to the red one????!!!! I hope I misunderstood your postings. The black is sweet - red, not so sweet ?!!!!???
  13. rustbucket49

    Niftee 50ees Show

    Who was at Niftee 50ees Show this Saturday (May 9)? Saw a couple of nice rats - I know I've seen them on the website but don't recall who the proud owners are...
  14. rustbucket49

    Honest Opinions

    Hot chicks and anything go together. Nuthin' better than a cutie in a hot rod.
  15. rustbucket49

    What Did Ya Get Done This Weekend?

    Well, I spent some time at a bud's house eating boiled shrimp and drinking a few brews Friday night. Re-plumbed my air supply w/ copper line and installed a water trap and a dessicant filter / dryer 'till about 2:30 Saturday morning. Cleaned the garage a little. Practiced my O/A welding. My...
  16. rustbucket49

    I am now an expert welder!!! ; - >

    Must be in the water - I am also an "expert welder" in Houston!!!
  17. rustbucket49


    I have been Mig welding sheet metal on body panels, but several guys say O/A is the way to go. Last night I ran my first ever O/A bead w/o filler rod and it worked great!!! However when I tried to run w/ filler rod, I started burning through - just don't have a good feel yet for the speed and...
  18. rustbucket49

    Buddy's 50th B-day present

    I went to a bud's 50th last night. He got a margarita machine.. I worked guuuuudddddddd !!!
  19. rustbucket49

    Father / Son project.....

    Man, good stuff - that's a nice layout!!! My dad and I built an HO railroad spread in the garage. It was our man cave - we passed a lot of time tinkering with that thing....
  20. rustbucket49

    another reason for face shields when grinding

    Yeow! It will get your attention !! Who said this wasn't a contact sport !! :)