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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. goose-em

    wont start when hot

    I assume it will still run after it gets warm but once you shut it off it won't start. Did you only add a new cam or did you change the headers also? It could be as simple as the starter getting hot and then not cranking. I had one that did it all the time. HAd to push start it many times...
  2. goose-em

    Yep...this is a major concern alright.

    Yes I want a study into the effects that daylight savings time plays on drought. I think it should immediately be funded with 2.8 billion dollars with an option for another billion just in case. I also think I should be in charge of said study.
  3. goose-em

    Why Zombie Cats Rule

    After reading the Why Rat Rods Rule, Rules I have been inspired. No idea where this idea came from based on the other thread title but I thought we should get started. Here's my example
  4. goose-em

    WHat do you think it is worth?....

    There is a lot of work in that car. I would offer him $300 and see what he says. My guess is that he thinks it is worth $2500 or so which it is not. All these TV shows make everyone think that because it is old it is worth thousands of dollars.
  5. goose-em

    Clean one owner, is it worth the asking price? lol

    Saw this and thought I would share. 1932 Ford
  6. goose-em

    reusing head bolts?

    I used to reuse them however, after being stranded at 10000 feet on my snowmobile one winter I do not take the chance. I always figure the new bolts pay for themselves with a single tow bill being avoided.
  7. goose-em

    Loud and fast TV show.

    I only saw the last 30 minutes or so, my opinions may not be right due to that. I didn't think it was terrible but I am not sure about the main guy. I certainly did not like the tally up at the end. Flipping can be done but it is not a gaurenteed thing at all. I am also concerned that...
  8. goose-em

    Summer Fever

    I think we are pretty much okay but his uncle is taking it pretty hard. Hopefully his uncle will be back to work today. I think he needs to get his mind focused elswhere.
  9. goose-em

    Your Tax Dollars at Work

    Well it is at least good for job security.
  10. goose-em

    Summer Fever

    Nope, bullett will stay with him for life.
  11. goose-em

    Your Tax Dollars at Work

    Government efficiency is a wondorous thing to behold. Without revealing too much but enough to really make you scratch your head... Goose, Would you like us to make these 50 feet long? Gov, Nooooo, make them 25 feet long. Goose, Okay, we will make them 50 feet long and cut then to 25 is that...
  12. goose-em

    Rat Fink Reunion Manti 2012

    Always want to make it out. Looks like it was a fun time with some fun cars.
  13. goose-em

    Excercise in stainless steel

    Now that boy has skills!
  14. goose-em

    Beer rant

    Have you tried Sierra Nevada IPA? It is good and is the number 1 heart healthy beer. I would suggest Abita Amber or Abita Restoration Pale Ale but I doubt you can get them there.
  15. goose-em

    Summer Fever

    WE don't know too much. They are in juvenile detention and I heard they will also be charging the parents. Thats about it.
  16. goose-em

    Austin Speed Shop on T.V.

    What was it Flipper said? Oh yeah...
  17. goose-em

    Summer Fever

    He is doing as good as can be expected. A little depressed at the moment but hanging in there. He is out of ICU and waiting for the insurance company to decide which rehab center he will be going to. They want to send him to Tier 1 in Houston but he is asking to stay here in NOLA so the...
  18. goose-em

    brazing a frame

    That is a good static test Bob. A bend test gives a a person and idea with regards to the eleasticity of the welded joint aka elongation. A chassis is cyclically loaded and while the bend test offers some idea of joint soundness it does not give you any idea of how the joint will hold up under...
  19. goose-em

    brazing a frame

    Since nobody has asked I will. Are you talking about brazing or braze welding? These are two different things. brazing is very strong and would hold up assuming your joint configurations were acceptable and contamanation was not an issue. braze welding would not be recommended for chassis...
  20. goose-em

    Summer Fever

    Heard from his uncle this morning. They have not taken the bullet out as he currently has use of his arms and are afraid that removing it may cause worse paralysis. Special surgeon is flying in today to see if it can be removed. Aaron is really upbeat, said, "Well I guess I won't be going to...