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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. Snake Farm


    I haven't been on here much lately myself Mike but I have definitely noticed your absence. Sorry to hear about your health but glad you are on the mend. Hang in there buddy. .
  2. Snake Farm

    Happy Birthday Blue Eyed Devil

    Happy Birthday man! :cool: .
  3. Snake Farm

    New Guy On The Block...

    Welcome aboard! Cool truck. :cool:
  4. Snake Farm

    Random GIF Thread

    Nice hang time! :cool: .
  5. Snake Farm

    POLL: Round 2: Sam Fear's Big BIG Photo Contest :POLL

    Thanks guys and congrats Doc and Flipper...I voted for one of you :D Thanks for this contest Sam, looking forward to judging the next round! :cool: .
  6. Snake Farm

    POLL: Round 2: Sam Fear's Big BIG Photo Contest :POLL

    :eek: Hey I made it in the poll !! And no I didn't vote for myself, I love that VW in the woods that Flipper snapped. :cool:
  7. Snake Farm

    How much did you pay for fuel today ??$$??$$

    Been $2.29 for a month.....went to $2.59 in one whack this week! :mad: .
  8. Snake Farm

    Kool Car Photos!

    I'd call that pink Caddy a "Coupe Deeeeeeeeeeeville" :D .
  9. Snake Farm

    Found this today....

    Yeah, I recognize that dent in the fender......I hope it never gets fixed up. ;) .
  10. Snake Farm

    POLL: Round 1: Sam Fear's Big BIG Photo Contest :POLL

    Congrats guys! And thank you Sam! [cl[cl[cl [P[P[P .
  11. Snake Farm

    Dropped in to say Hi.

    Welcome back man! Post up some pics of those projects you mentioned. :cool:
  12. Snake Farm

    Lil Tin Bucket - golf cart #3

    I'm tuned in! Do you have a particular color of black in mind for this one? [ddd
  13. Snake Farm

    Test poll - second try...

    Hey Sam, it appears to be working but that big picture has the results gotta scroll over to the right to see them. I just voted and it appears that the cat and the kitty are tied at one vote each. :D
  14. Snake Farm

    1950 dodge truck tribute to my son

    :cool::cool: [cl[cl[cl .
  15. Snake Farm

    just some fun pix

    If that pic was taken in West Virginia there's a good chance that is the late Paul Criss doing the shaving. .
  16. Snake Farm

    just some fun pix

    I call bull! Grab that sucker and run!!! [ddd:D .
  17. Snake Farm

    :::ROUND 1::: Sam Fear's Big Big Photo Contest - Official Submission Thread

    This is the wallpaper on my computer! :cool: .
  18. Snake Farm

    happy b-day I-R-POPS

    Happy Birthday Pops!
  19. Snake Farm

    :::ROUND 1::: Sam Fear's Big Big Photo Contest - Official Submission Thread

    Here's my entry. Took this shot of my Willys this evening. Editing? Are you kidding.....I'm not that smart. :o .