POLL: Round 1: Sam Fear's Big BIG Photo Contest :POLL

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Scroll down past the poll to see the pics!

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Brother Rat
Oct 11, 2008
Dixon, IA

I had to put the pics below - #'s at the TOP of pics correspond to poll #'s


PLEASE DO NOT VOTE FOR YOUR OWN PICTURE! (Are you really that vain?)

These 10 are what I liked the best. Cutting what didn't make it in the poll was tough! In fact, if I chose again tomorrow, a couple pics might be different. In the end, I started looking at things like bumpers cut off or not quite focused well. Then I had to get real picky!

If you wonder why I did or didn't pick your shot or just want to ask others what would make a better shot, feel free to ask in the 'Round 1 Submission Thread' (not here) - now that this round is closed, it seems that would be a great place to discuss such things.

Thanks to everyone that participated this round and I hope you'll try again in the next!










Pictures are listed in order of submission.
Last edited:
Well, looks like the poll is working right! [cl. Let me know if anybody has an issue voting. I hope no one minds it lists what you voted for.
200+ Views and only 33 votes? Are there poll lurkers, or are BobW and LowBudget checking constantly to see if they've taken the lead? [ddd
I'm sure it's in the rules but i don't want to read it all again and don't remember seeing it. [S
"one vote per member", correct [S
I'm getting Xs on 2 6 and 9, don't know if is my computer or something else, i'll wait to vote until later.
Might wanna try just reloading the page. Those pics are on RRR, so there might be a clogged connection between you and Tejas.
Bruno, i've had problems in the past, i switched from internet explore to firefox ans found it works much better. might help [S

OldIron, agreed to many nice cars.
Only 40 votes so far? Most of us must be thinking this is as phony as a Presidential election. No electoral college here guys. Just three more votes could put foto #1 in the lead. ;)
Maybe everybody else knowing who you voted for is killing the vote? [S
Doesn't matter to me, I voted after a long consideration of each pic, but some people would rather be unknown....
I just answered a fellow on another site that was discouraged about the low number of responses. And the site is ten times as big as RRR. I don't know what the secret is to motivate people, to create enthusisam.
Sam has done a great job putting this contest together and promoting it. Let's see a last minute surge at the polls guys.
Thanks Bob! I'm guessing Old Iron is happy with the turn out so far... [ddd

I think next round I'll make it anonymous and if people want to post who they voted for they can.

Seems votes have been about 10% of views all along. ...and my views are about 10% as well. :rolleyes: You also have to figure participation on the board slows down during the summer anyhow. I didn't think at the time, but I kinda picked a bad week to put up a poll. :eek:

No worries, as long as the photo's keep coming in for Round II.
1st - Old Iron
2nd - BobW
3rd - LowBudget50

Congrats guys!!! - that gets all 3 of you a place in the final round. But keep submitting pics, you can earn up to 3 spots in the feature poll. (Place again and better your chances)

Old Iron, you are the judge for next round. I'll be PM'ing you tomorrow.

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