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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. Toad

    Happy birthday bonehead !!!!!!

    Happy birthday Mr Bonehead! [cl Toad
  2. Toad

    Just a reminder how UDS pays the bills!

    Just click an ad every now and then, it's how most sites keep the doors open. Toad
  3. Toad

    happy b-day phil cottingham

    Happy birthday Phil! [cl[cl Toad
  4. Toad

    just some fun pix

    Tight nuts? Or rusty tool? :eek: Toad
  5. Toad

    51 Cambridge build

    Wow, those seats look sharp! [cl Toad
  6. Toad

    South Carolina New Member.

    Welcome from the big pond! :D Toad
  7. Toad

    Deal or no deal?

    That's a lot of stuff to haul out, is it accessible? Toad
  8. Toad

    Giant Barn Find Collection

    I didn't take it as negativity but he had some nice cars he obviously neglected! Imagine how much they'd be worth if he had taken care of them! Nice find for sure but I'm sure no offense was meant to you personally! Toad
  9. Toad

    How much did you pay for fuel today ??$$??$$

    $1.94 for regular! [cl Toad
  10. Toad

    Picked this up on Saturday

    Very nice! [dr Toad
  11. Toad

    Car Show for Millennial's - They Even Have Rat Rods

    Cool, thanks for sharing! [cl Toad
  12. Toad

    Kobe Bryant dead at 41 in helicopter crash!

    Gone at 41! Toad
  13. Toad

    "Bickle" 1948 3100

    Love the parts you're gathering! Can you tell more about your cnc table? Toad
  14. Toad

    Diamond T Rat Truck at Barrett

    Not a bad truck but $23K? Some people have more money than sense! :eek: Toad
  15. Toad

    Spring is just around the corner... protect your car from 'wheel ants'!

    That has to be some kind of joke! [S Toad
  16. Toad

    1937 Chevy Coupe

    Looking good Doc! [cl[cl[cl Toad
  17. Toad

    1965 Fargo 100

    Love the way you reworked the rear shock positioning, think you'll be much happier! [cl Toad
  18. Toad

    18 Months Later...

    [cl[cl[cl[cl[cl Toad
  19. Toad

    Electrickery fuel pumps...

    My pipes are so loud, no way you could hear an elec pump! [ddd Toad
  20. Toad

    Ok... chopped or not chopped?!?

    I wouldn’t chop most things from the 50’s on. Anything before that, game on! Especially 20’s and 30’s! [;) Toad