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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    Well, I think it's time to fill the filter ad 4.5 quarts and make a dipstick.
  2. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    Hey Torchie, thanks for the help! My Dad said the same thing four for the engine and one for the filter. What does 59 series engine mean? I think my dip stick is... to small... can't believe I just said that!:o Four quarts with one in the filter and it does not even register! Right now there...
  3. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    Oil pan capacity I need to know the oil capacity for this pan on a 52 Flathead. See link. I think it has the wrong dipstick or it takes about 8 litres.... which is odd. This was the big truck...
  4. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    Been a while The flathead is up and running. See the link for a possible Youtube vid... if I can make it work! The Laker headers I built sound great, the mufflers seem to make a nice low rumble.:) I installed a radiator from...
  5. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    Radiator mount Hey guys, what are you using for lower radiator mounts? I have the radiator built and need to fab up a lower mount. It aluminium if that makes a difference.
  6. gold03

    Louvers by hand

    Lay out the sheet metal and mark all of the cuts. Cut first with a real thin side grinder blade. Works awsome.
  7. gold03


    It's a good front end. Easy to work on. You need to match the wheel/tire width of the vehicle you are building to the donor vehicle. Or find a wat to adjust with wheel of set.
  8. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    Hey Solz, My garage is so small I don't have room to lay the hood out and get everything lined up properly to punch the hood. :o Large one car garage really. I have to push the truck to one side or the other when I'm working on it. I need to lift the box off, but don't have room to put it...
  9. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    Thanks Dr. The super traps were free at a flee market. They were beat and needed some metal shaping to get in order. Santa might bring me a Eastwood solid rivet kit. :rolleyes: and if he does I have a plan to insert/mount the lovers. I don't want to punch the hood, There isn't enough room to...
  10. gold03

    Drill Bits

    Nice looking bits. They are 130.00 at Lowe's here :mad:
  11. gold03

    Drip edge

    Use some solid round or tubing like Torchie said.
  12. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    This might be a better picture of the louvers and the tool to make them.
  13. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    Hood Work Cleaned up that rusty old hood. Some bondo. More than was needed applied by PO. Not a lot of damage. Will be able to straighten out any dents. The louvers will go here.
  14. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    louvres Made some progress on the louvres forming. 18 g mild. Not sure where they will end up...maybe at the other end of the hood. We'll have to figure that out.
  15. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    Thanks Guys. Appreciate the positive feedback. I did some work on the steering wheel today. Filled the cracks and sanded it all down. I like how it turned out. I don't know why but there is an urge to paint it bright red[S
  16. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    Tail light mount Needs a little adjust to level our and then have to build another one.
  17. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    steering wheel A little more progress on the steering wheel. Just need to fill the cracks with JB putty and round off the steering wheel with same where I cut it. Thanks for checking in.
  18. gold03


    there are some cool ideas there
  19. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    Went and bought some JB weld putty today to do the steering wheel but thought I would tackle another challenge. The headlight bezels are to big. They are brass and I can't weld them. I thought they would be stainless. So I cut out a section and put them together with backing cut from a spare...
  20. gold03

    beadroller motor

    how is the speed on this set up? I asked the original guy at metal meat but no reply so far