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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    Is 16" probably the high setting, or when lowered as far as it goes down?
  2. N

    Chrysler flathead

    That is very interesting, because the 23 1/2" L-head is the Plymouth engine. (I have a '55 model 230 in my 46 Plymouth.) The interesting thing is the completely different bell-housing that puts the starter on the left side, the different intake-exhaust manifolds, up-draft carb, and the blocked...
  3. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    How high does this stool sit? (Just wondering if one of those battery powered chairs could be modified for enough height clearance, so you could move around w/o using your legs to move yourself. I know that new ones are terribly expensive, but used ones show up from time to time in auctions...
  4. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    Just thought of this, since you all are both chefs and know your business with handling food, I wonder what your water source is. We lived in Brazil for 18 years, and I was apparently very susceptible to getting amoeba-related digestive issues. (The first time I got it, I ended up in the...
  5. N

    just some fun pix

    "Street legal Bumper cars"
  6. N

    Getting Old isn't for sissies

    My Dad died from Alzheimer's in December. He was 90, and had been gradually loosing his memory over the last 12 to 15 years or more. We gradually lost him, bit by bit. He had been a parts man at the mechanics' service desk for nearly all of his working life, and actually worked part-time...
  7. N

    I miss the old days...

    Our local bank here closes at 4:00 PM Monday - Thursday, open till 6:00 PM Fridays for working people to get their banking done. Open Saturday till noon. The deal about the mechanics shop hours reminds me of how it was back in my home area in Oklahoma in the 60's. My Grandpa's third cousin (on...
  8. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    My opinions shouldn't really count too much, because I've never done any customizing at all, but even though I'm a MoPar guy through and through, the ones from 49 through at least up to 55 are just some of the plainest ugly cars from that whole era. [The 53 DeSoto is an exception, but maybe...
  9. N

    Before the internet?

    I picked up about 8 or so of the Motor Manuals in an auction a few years back - just kept the two oldest ones (52 & 56, if I remember correctly), and gave the rest of them to my brother to sell for me. But he collects every manual he can get his hands on, so I don't think any of them went back...
  10. N

    How forums die!

    Some years ago I was a member on a forum that was first locked (no new posts permitted) and then later went dark, mostly because of the number of trolls posting links to porn, etc. (It was a Christian discussion forum, run by the Canadian conference of the group I grew up in.) On another...
  11. N

    just some fun pix

    Must not have been painting very long, because he still has all of his hair. (Lots of painters go bald, it seems.)
  12. N

    weird build

    How much water is coming into this area above the dam? Just thinking that if the beavers are actively 'maintaining' the dam, you might run them off if you could use a mud pump to drain the water above the dam. If it would stay dry, then they'd be forced to go elsewhere. (Might be considered...
  13. N

    a little left feild ,, but...

    Never been to New Zealand, but there's a place there I'd like to see that is around 40 KM from there, just because my last name is the same. It's Buller Gorge. (My name is Buller, not Gorge... ;) )
  14. N

    just some fun pix

    Let us know if it works....
  15. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    You might have let on already, but is it safe to assume that if the center piece were left off there would be a gap of about 6" between the two sides? If they came nearly together, I was going to ask what the width of the two affected 'bars' is/are. My 46 Plymouth has little center pieces...
  16. N

    weird build

    I don't know what sort of access you have to the exit end of the culvert, or the inside diameter, and have also never tried to tear out a beaver dam, but wondering if a sort of side-ways well auger would work. We drilled a well down around 85 feet by hand down in Brazil, so thinking about...
  17. N

    Guess who just tested Covid positive ?

    I'm not really surprised that your son's repeat test showed positive for the virus. My bro-in-law was exposed to it over several days while he stayed with his dad (my father-in-law), who, at 90, was still living alone. They took my father-in-law in to the hospital the next Monday, and he had...
  18. N

    Custom Mopar ????

    Could you grab it through the package shelf? I will readily admit that I've never cared for the MoPar styling from 49 through 54, and maybe even through 56. As others have said, you have vastly improved it.
  19. N

    just some fun pix

    Stationary engine I saw at an Amish-owned engine repair shop (on election day).
  20. N

    just some fun pix

    Found outside a cave in Siberia.....