This is the only forum I engage with so when it was offline for a couple days, I was getting a little twitchy, thinking it was all over

I don't do facebook, twitter or any social media blabber, guess I'm a Dinosaur, so the threat of extinction is always there.
I realize that we're playing with old stuff and praying to the gods of internal combustion for continuance of this hobby, but the writing is on the wall I think for the eventual switch to electric propulsion, and a some point, the supply of old tin will dry up or become unobtanium.
Maybe the electric motor will find its place here one day too, but I'm hoping we can keep on burning gas in some form.
Despite all that, I think this forum is way more inclusive than most, thanks to Mr. Tripper and the general forgiving nature of its participants, I hope it keeps going for the long run.
Even though my builds turn out shiny save for one, I feel part of the group and look forward daily to updates on what others are doing or working on, and I'm always picking up ideas and getting inspiration here.