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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. LarryH

    What's up with killbillet

    He's worse than that. He didn't have enough balls to tell me why i was banned from there.
  2. LarryH

    Picked up a Lincoln

    Then he built it right.
  3. LarryH

    Doing this to a Bel air, good idea??

    I don't usually liked chopped '57's but i would roll in that thing in a heart beat.
  4. LarryH


    The breather hole is an easy fix. Take a piece of aluminum and make a round cover and use either use JB Weld or silicone to attach it to the valve cover.
  5. LarryH

    Survey says!!!

    How about a two tone in flat black and red primer? I've saw a few cars done up this way and if done right it looks pretty cool.
  6. LarryH

    hard on the self esteme

    Only 250 lbs? That's not even a real truck. Hell, i can carry more than that in the trunk of my '56 Chevy.
  7. LarryH

    The ten manliest firearms
  8. LarryH

    A Whole Bunch Of Daytona Turkey Run Photos

    That would be a really cool little roadster if he would dump those hideous seats.
  9. LarryH

    4x4 rods

    Maybe it's just the red neck in me but i dig the hell out of this one. I've always wanted to do a Fox body Mustang convertible into a 4x4.
  10. LarryH

    curiosity killin me, bobber trucks using 60's and 70's cabs

    One of the very few later model bobbers i've ever saw that looks cool. Check out his build thread. He put a ton of time and alot of thought into it.
  11. LarryH

    8,300 rounds of ammo found at Texas border!

    That should be enough a good plinkin' session.
  12. LarryH

    What Did Ya Get Done This Weekend?

    Finished dismembering the T-Bucket for paint and new interior.
  13. LarryH

    Today in History: 1964 ~ President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Tx.

    I was a freshman in high school. We were downtown on lunch break when we heard the news.
  14. LarryH

    No turning back now.

    I'm changing the position of the break pedal, replacing the gas pedal assembly, replacing the chromed headlights with painted ones and painting the aluminum headlight stands. I haven't decided if i'm going to reuse the chrome firewall or paint it. the gauges will be VDO Cockpit's. I haven't...
  15. LarryH


    I realize some people don't have the time or talent to fabricate parts or build a car from scratch and that's okay. But don't spend 35 or 40 K on a build and call it a budget build.
  16. LarryH

    No turning back now.

    I haven't decided on the flames yet. Maybe just a little pinstriping.
  17. LarryH

    No turning back now.

    Decided it was time to freshen things up. Frame will be gloss black, body will be flat black, interior will be blue to match the seats (third row seats from an early 90's Pontiac Trans Sport van) and i haven't decided on the rims (currently running 5x5 and 15x12 Centerlines).
  18. LarryH


    I really liked that magazine. I always loved Tex Smith's articles. And his sense of humor. Anyone remember his "Walter P. Chrysler" build? His articles were always all about actually building or modifying a part rather than dialing 1-800 BUILD A STREET ROD.
  19. LarryH

    What Did Ya Get Done This Weekend?

    The tear down begins for new paint and interior:
  20. LarryH

    Veterans Day

    For those of us that lost friends or loved ones in Viet Nam: