A budget is a budget. It's the amount of money someone has alotted for a build whether it be $1000 or $100,000. Some people just have a higher limit than others.
I'm one of the others.Heck, even if I had that kind of money to spend, I'd have a hard time spending it.
PA41;186423I have a buddy that went over to the dark side last week and bought a C6 Vette.. I ain't got nothing to talk to him about any more. I just smile and act nice when he talks about it. He bought a car with no soul- no personality--might as well be describing a rock.PA41[/QUOTE said:Drive one sometime. They sure do have Spirit!![]()
I have found the higher the limit the higher the attitude. I like the lower limits
I don't begrudge people for having a lot of money and be able to buy what they want. Just don't call a 29,000 dollar car a budget build.
A budget is a budget. It's the amount of money someone has alotted for a build whether it be $1000 or $100,000. Some people just have a higher limit than other.
I disagree ....... I sunk a lot of money into my Studie because I wanted a top dollar custom, that didn't make me better than the next guy and I don't think I'm the exception to the rule, nor do I protray that bullet how can you disagre with what my perception of my one up attitude either.
So true Dean, a budget is just that, it's governed by your income, whether it be 5 or 6 figures.
I also get where everyone associates Budget Build to a low dollar build, because over the years that's the language that was engraved into our heads. However, I budgeted X amount of dollars to the customzation of my car and even though it's close to 6 figures, I can honestly say I budgeted for it.
bullet how can you disagree with my perception. Its my perception
there are sum that are good people but in the Ottawa car hobby I have found there are allot of old car snobs.
I have found the higher the limit the higher the attitude. I like the lower limits
I disagree ....... I sunk a lot of money into my Studie because I wanted a top dollar custom, that didn't make me better than the next guy and I don't think I'm the exception to the rule, nor do I protray that one up attitude either.
, or I would not have made a comment at all.there are sum that are good people but in the Ottawa car hobby I have found there are allot of old car snobs.
Knew this post would generate some discussion. Nice to hear peoples different perspectives. We're mincing words though. Still stand by my belief that the sum of $29,000. and the words affordable do not belong in the same sentence.
Wonder what a 6 figure rat rod would look like?[![]()
I was just thinking the same thing. LOLAgain, depends on your (as in everyones) definition of affordable.
6 figure Rat Rod would have fake patina on it!![]()
........................................................................................................I understand where the perception comes from, I disagreed with your initial blanket statement ( which lumped all high dollar cars into the same catagory ) the higher the amount the higher the attitude. You did not mention in your initial statement, and I quote, , or I would not have made a comment at all.
The higher the amount the higher the attitude, that's not me, as I stated in my disagreement to THAT statement. Yes there are plenty of higher than thou attitude owners out there, but I find more so that they are a minority when it comes to the true hobby car enthusiasts
I didn't make my statement to start a peeing match, only to say that higher dollar car owners are not always OLD CAR SNOBS, just the opposite in my case. I come for & to support all the car owners & builders, whether it be a LOW DOLLAR build you built it yourself or a HIGH DOLLAR car a shop built for you, whether it be a ratrod, a traditional, a cookie cutter / tupperware hotrod, billet custom, streetrod, muscle car, or a stocker, it makes no difference to me, I love them all.
The term budget build, is governed by ones income, as stated previously, not by what the magazines have so long now imprinted on our brains as a budget / low dollar build. If you're going to call a low dollar car, a budget / affordable build, than call it what it is, a low dollar build and leave out the words BUDGET / AFFORDABLE from LOW DOLLAR, it's an oxymoron. At least that's now I see it.