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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. pacrat

    Things that bug me.

    I've enjoyed reading this post as well as the post which inspired it, "Things we remember", and that got me thinking, the two post can sorta go hand in hand, Example: some of the things i remember most such as mom and pop grocery stores, gas stations, hardware stores, drug stores, diners, etc...
  2. pacrat

    what is your oddest hauling device?

    Okay not exactlly an odd hauling device, but given the load, it may qualify, my 16' car trailer hauling 25' machine skid and crating material, my 15 year olod, 6'2' 195 lb. son how in his own words "ain't afraid of sh!t" was pretty nervous as we made the 25 mile trip at a whopping 30 mph MAX!
  3. pacrat

    new sign for the shop...

    WOW! Cool sign, might be easy to let the mind wonder to the cutter though.LOL.
  4. pacrat

    cool '29(?)roadster in the orkin commercial/link

    Okay, I guess there's no arguing the point that is definately a Rat Rod.
  5. pacrat

    Things we remember,

    A little hometown restraunt named "Remember When" where the food actually cooked to order and was good.
  6. pacrat

    body work weldeing

    dont overlook the duty cycle Welding different metal thicknesses can be achieved by verying the technique somewhat, i have welded plenty of 1/4" steel with a 110 welder dith good penetration, the problem you may run into is that most of these smaller welders have a low duty cycle, duty cycle...
  7. pacrat

    Problem with my motor... any suggestions?

    I've heard of adding a Bully Dog, but I had no idea............
  8. pacrat

    Endless BS thread

    All you need to do is remove the hard drive from the computer and connect one end of the cable to it the other end to your new computer via the usb port, then go to "my computer" and it should show the hard drive as a storage device, if done it a few times, works pretty easy. Good luck either...
  9. pacrat

    Endless BS thread

    Hey, Gastrick sorry to hear bout the puter, I have had success retrieving files from hard drives, it was pretty simple (i'm no computer geek) but ya can buy a usb cable that will connect directly to the hard drive and retrieve your photos.
  10. pacrat

    i miss my garage

    Not to insult anyone, but with the metal running the direction it appears to run,the snow would not slide off readily. Its always a shame to have this type of misfortune. I hope it is safe to assume that no one was injured, that's the important thing.
  11. pacrat

    Things we remember,

    Ruth's five and dime, at the age of 4 or 5, my favorite treat was a trip to Ruth's for a grilled cheese, bottle of choc-ola and new match box car. Man those were the days.
  12. pacrat

    Endless BS thread

    Or was that too many cooks spoil the stew, which if often cooked in a pot.................. Anyway hope ya get your parts soon.
  13. pacrat

    Endless BS thread

    Just remember a watched pot never boils.................. But then again an unwatched pot will scortch and stink up the whole place.
  14. pacrat

    Rubber Duck is alive

    i got it That's a big 10-4 on the joke Pig-Pen, Rubber-Duck looks like you're clear all the way to Shaky-Town, come back. I can see C.W. riding in that thing right now.
  15. pacrat

    Artistic Welding & Fabrication

    HI Charley, I have seen some of your work, very interested in seeing more, please add some pictures, how's that old dodge coming along btw?
  16. pacrat

    before and after..

    Very cool old school, I have 51 f6 myself and am thinking of going a very similar direction with it. It would be cool to some build pics if you have them.
  17. pacrat

    New from Chatt TN

    Welcome, cool ride, more pics please.
  18. pacrat

    Endless BS thread

    so you want bs huh? gas prices, nuff said.
  19. pacrat

    Bad Master Cylinder???

    remove the cap from the mastercylinder have someone slowly apply preasure to the pedal observe the reservoir, if you see bubbles in the chambers the master cylinder is bypassing and is bad.
  20. pacrat

    I thought you guys might dig this.

    that gives a whole new meaning to "THE OLD BALL AND CHAIN".